Business area

The firm has twelve major professional departments, which can form a professional and composite legal service team to provide customers with comprehensive legal services.

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Intellectual Property and Anti-Unfair Competition

Liqun Place's intellectual property and anti Unfair competition business is mainly to provide domestic and foreign customers with legal services in the fields of copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, anti Unfair competition, antitrust, etc., including comprehensive legal services including intellectual property acquisition, protection, utilization, transfer, licensing, infringement monitoring, dispute resolution, etc., covering product research and development, design, production, brand marketing Intellectual property legal services from data operation to market development, market maintenance, listing and financing.

  Main business areas  

(1) Trademark business;

(2) Copyright business;

(3) Patent business;

(4) Anti Unfair competition business;

(5) Anti monopoly business;

(7) Intellectual property operation and investment and financing;

(8) Comprehensive business of intellectual property - diagnosis and identification of enterprise intellectual property risks, design of enterprise intellectual property management system, formulation of enterprise intellectual property strategy, certification of enterprise intellectual property standards, layout and daily management of enterprise intellectual property, etc.

(9) Other businesses related to intellectual property and Unfair competition

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