Business area

The firm has twelve major professional departments, which can form a professional and composite legal service team to provide customers with comprehensive legal services.

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Government and Public Services

The government and public affairs business of Liqun Institute mainly provides high-quality legal services for party committees, government and functional departments, public institutions, social organizations, etc., covering government legislation, major administrative decision-making, investment attraction, bidding and government procurement, public event handling and crisis response, as well as handling administrative disputes such as administrative reconsideration and litigation.

  Main business areas  

(1) Provide various legal services for party committees, governments, public institutions, associations, industry associations, etc;

(2) Risk assessment of major administrative decisions;

(3) Administrative licensing, supervision, and law enforcement evaluation;

(4) Government investment promotion;

(5) Government procurement and bidding;

(6) Administrative dispute resolution (including administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation);

(7) Public affairs management;

(8) Response to public events and crises;

(9) Special non litigation business of administrative organs (such as organizing hearings, mediation, issuing reports or legal opinions for special risk analysis) Books and other non litigation business of administrative counterparts (such as mediation and hearings organized by administrative agencies)

(10) Other government and public service related businesses.

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