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Struggling to Sail, Sailing Steadily, and Going Far - The 2021 Mid year Work Conference of Liqun Institute Successfully Held

On the afternoon of July 31, Liqun Institute's 2021 Mid year Work Conference was held in the academic Lecture hall of the law firm. Lawyer Huang Daojin, Deputy Director, presided over the meeting.


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The Important Speech Spirit at the 100th Anniversary Conference


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At the beginning of the meeting, we specially invited Jin Xianlong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Taizhou University, to give a special lecture on "Taking History as a Mirror and Creating a Future".    

Through the study of the century long history of the Party, we have deeply understood why the CPC "can"? Why does Marxism "work"? Why is Socialism with Chinese characteristics "good"?


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2. Tea break

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3. Lawyer's Representative's Speech

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Young Lawyer Representative (Zhan Hankang)

Youth is a form of capital, but it never represents strength. Only by entering circulation can capital realize its value. 'Youth is capital' is not something to be proud of, but rather to be humble.


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Intern Lawyer Representative (Wang Wenqi)

Coincidentally at the Olympic grand ceremony, I would like to share the Olympic motto of "more unity, faster, higher, stronger" with all of you. I hope that you can work together with the Liqun Institute to forge ahead, raise your horses quickly, climb to the top, and become stronger and stronger with every setback!


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Representative of Party Joining Activists (Zhang Luohan)

On behalf of the active members of the Communist Party of China, I promise to everyone that we are willing to accept all the tests posed by the Party organization and the supervision of our predecessors and colleagues.

4. Work Summary for the First Half of the Year 

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Our director, Lawyer Wang Xinping, summarized the gratifying achievements of the law firm in the first half of the year with the words "united, striving, seizing the opportunity, and daring to innovate". He pointed out that the advantages of the first half of the year were:

◇ 1. The lawyer team is growing day by day

◇ 2. The lawyer business is gradually growing

◇ 3. Advanced things constantly emerge

◇ 4. Continuous major events

◇ 5. Continuous learning and training

◇ 6. Profound and colorful promotional activities

◇ 7. Orderly implementation of special governance

◇ 8. Increasingly frequent reception and communication

The meeting also deployed work for the second half of the year. He emphasized that we need to unite our hearts and make further progress to create new brilliance for our group. Finally, Director Wang used the "Four Greats" to hope for the benefit of the masses: the great must speak of great politics, the great must have great responsibilities, the great must demonstrate great achievements, and the great must establish a great image.

The tide is surging, setting sail and advancing. Liqun Institute is working together with a more open attitude, steadfastly moving forward. The future benefits, opportunities and challenges coexist, hope and difficulties coexist. Standing at a new starting point of high-quality development, Liqun Institute is riding the wind and waves, passionately seeking new breakthroughs. A brand new future that can be hoped for

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