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Secretary Cai Deshun of Taizhou Judicial Bureau and his delegation visited Liqun Institute for research and guidance work

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On the afternoon of May 20th, Cai Deshun, Secretary of the Party Group of Taizhou Judicial Bureau, Yu Biao, Second Level Researcher and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Lawyer Industry of Taizhou Judicial Bureau, Zhu Jinwei, Director of the Office of the Judicial Bureau, and Xu Lvzhen, Deputy Director of the Legal Department of the Judicial Bureau, visited Liqun Institute to conduct research and guidance on the party building work of the law firm and the special governance work of prominent issues in the legal industry. All lawyers and intern lawyers from Liqun's office attended the meeting.

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At the symposium

Director Wang Xinping gave a brief report on the distinctive highlight work, especially the party building work, since the restructuring of Liqun Institute, as well as the pre stage progress and next stage work plan of the special governance work for prominent issues in the lawyer industry.

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Deputy Director Xu Lvzhen pointed out that

In terms of party history learning and education, as well as special governance for prominent issues in the lawyer industry, Liqun Institute has rich activities, solid measures, and well implemented regulations. In the crucial stage of self inspection and verification, we hope that Liqun Institute can continue to deepen and maintain a clean practice environment, continue to uphold the discipline and relevant systems within the institute, and continue to play a leading and exemplary role as the chairman's office.

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Secretary Cai Deshun stated that

Liqun Institute has a strong atmosphere of party building and distinctive highlights, such as the "3456" approach, which is worth learning and promoting in the entire legal industry. At the same time, Liqun has taken solid measures in party history education, such as organizing multiple party history learning and education meetings, conducting party history knowledge competitions, and youth lawyer party history themed speech competitions. The form is rigorous, solid, and lively and diverse. In terms of the special governance of prominent issues in the industry, the prescribed actions have been implemented quite well, such as the establishment of a special working group, serious learning and education, self inspection and self-evaluation meetings, and extensive heart to heart talks, which have effectively completed various goals and tasks.

Secretary Cai Deshun emphasized

Conducting Party history learning and education is a major decision made to coordinate the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the unprecedented changes in the world in a century, in order to mobilize the entire Party and the whole country to fully devote themselves to building a socialist modernized country with confidence.

Carrying out special governance for prominent issues in the industry is a self revolution for the lawyer industry to promote transparency and improve integrity. The focus is to eliminate the persistent diseases of our city's lawyer team, make up for the shortcomings and weaknesses in the construction of the lawyer team, warn against professional risks, and maintain the industry image. There is no shortage of lawyers in the city, and every law firm and lawyer must be diligent and fully implement every prescribed action. In practice, it is essential to be cautious from the beginning to the end, taking special rectification as an opportunity to comprehensively improve professional ethics and professional ability levels, faithfully fulfill responsibilities and missions, uphold moral character, and abide by rules, and create a new era lawyer team that is politically firm, adheres to integrity, and dares to take responsibility.

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