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Lu Yimin, Vice President of the Intermediate people's court of Taizhou, and his delegation visited our institute for research and discussion

On the afternoon of January 13, a delegation led by Lu Yimin, Vice President of the Intermediate people's court of Taizhou City, Cheng Xiaoguo, President of the First Criminal Tribunal, Zhu Jian, Vice President of the Second Criminal Tribunal, and Wang Yongxing, Law clerk of the First Criminal Tribunal, visited our institute for research and discussion. The theme of this symposium was "Soliciting Opinions and Suggestions on Criminal Trial Work in the Courts of the Whole City". Our director, Lawyer Wang Xinping, deputy director, Lawyer Zheng Xiaodan, senior partners, Lawyers Tian Jingyun and Yin Chaohui, deputy director of the Criminal Department, Lawyer Zhang Liang, and Lawyer Yang Fan from the Criminal Department participated in the symposium.

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     At the beginning of the discussion, Vice President Lu Yimin stated that this is his first time conducting research at a law firm, and Liqun's first stop is a good start to this research activity. At the same time, Vice President Lu explained the purpose and significant significance of this symposium, hoping that all lawyers can speak without hesitation during this symposium. The more direct the opinions and suggestions put forward, the greater the effectiveness of the symposium.


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At the symposium, our lawyer, based on their own experience and experience in criminal business work over the years, expressed their opinions and suggestions on the protection of the rights of defendants and defense lawyers, lawyer review, confession and punishment system, and disclosure of legal documents, which resonated with the lawyers present.

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     Director Wang Xinping suggests strengthening the positive interaction between judges and lawyers, forming a knowledge and value community, that is, having the same knowledge structure, legal thinking, and legal language, adhering to common standards of fairness, in order to build a good legal professional community and progress in the rule of law.


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Vice President Lu Yimin expressed gratitude to our lawyer for actively expressing opinions and suggestions, and finally expressed his four views: firstly, judges and lawyers are important forces in the process of national rule of law construction. As a legal community, although they have different division of labor and roles, they both have the original intention of pursuing fairness and justice. The court will do its best to protect the legitimate rights and interests of lawyers. Secondly, in terms of paper review, the courts throughout the city should be unified and standardized to ensure the smooth progress of lawyer review. Thirdly, regarding the issue of confession and punishment, the law has made clear provisions, but lawyers should be brave in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the defendant and their own litigation rights, and also adhere to principles and bottom lines. Fourth, the court will solve the problems raised by lawyers step by step to realize the sound development of the legal professional community.

The purpose of this symposium is to strengthen communication and understanding between lawyers and the court, promote a win-win situation for lawyer work and judicial administration in criminal cases, improve the quality and level of criminal case handling in Taizhou City, and jointly create a good legal environment.


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