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New Starting Point, New Journey - The Liqun Party Branch Successfully Completed the Work of the General Election

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On the evening of September 27, 2022, the branch committee of Zhejiang Liqun Law Firm of the Communist Party of China held a branch party member meeting to further strengthen the construction of grassroots organizations of the Party and play the role of the party organization as a fortress of battle. The new branch committee members were elected. The meeting was chaired by Comrade Huang Daojin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Liqun Institute, and attended by all party members, development targets, active party members, and non party members of the director's meeting.

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Sing the national anthem in unison

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All stand up and sing the national anthem in unison

In the solemn voice of the national anthem of the China, all stood up and sang the national anthem in unison, and the conference kicked off.

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Comrade Wang Xinping, Secretary of the Party Branch of Liqun Institute, delivered a report on the work of the Party Branch on behalf of the previous branch committee to the conference. He reviewed and summarized the main work and achievements of the previous party branch, while also clarifying the direction of future efforts.

The conference heard and approved the work report of the party branch.

Strive for a New Journey and Achieve Merit in a New Era

——Report on the Work of the Party Branch of Liqun Institute

September 27, 2022

Dear Party members and comrades

Since the change of the Party branch in September 2019, it has expired. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Constitution of the Chinese Communist Party and the Regulations on Election Work of Grass roots Organizations of the CPC, after study and reported to the Working Committee of the Organizations Directly under the CPC Taizhou Jiaojiang District Committee for approval, today we are holding a general election meeting of the Party branch, the main task of which is to review the work of the current Party branch and conduct the general election.

Next, on behalf of this year's Party branch, I would like to present a work report for the consideration of all Party members.

  The Party branch has continuously absorbed fresh blood, forged a vanguard team, and achieved continuous improvement in the number and quality of party members and lawyers (currently there are 29 party members and lawyers, 1 development target, and 2 active party members). With the joint efforts of all party members, the branch has been awarded the honorary titles of "2019 grassroots party building demonstration site in Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City", "Zhejiang advanced party organization in the lawyer industry", "Taizhou lawyer industry party building demonstration site", "2019 five-star party organization in Jiaojiang District", the first batch of "three strong and double entry" law firm party organizations in Zhejiang Province "," Taizhou model two new organization party organizations ", etc, The Jiaojiang District Law Industry Party School of Taizhou City was listed as Liqun Institute.

1、 Consolidate the foundation of party building through the "four integrations", and regulate actions with strength

Party building integration, service integration. The Liqun Party Branch actively explores the implementation of a grassroots party building service model of "openness, sharing, and vitality". By optimizing and integrating existing resources, building an "open" service platform, creating a "shared" service model, implementing a "dynamic" service mechanism, and comprehensively improving the party building resource coordination ability, position service level, and red fortress role.

1. Political guidance and integration

Accurately grasp the connotation of strengthening political construction, and achieve that thinking about things, making decisions, and grasping work must first align with the table. Compile and print the "Party Building Work Manual", focus on political responsibility, strictly implement the "one post with two responsibilities", constantly strengthen the "four consciousness", firm the "Confidence doctrine", achieve the "two maintenance", earnestly implement the provisions of Democratic centralism, seriously implement the political life within the Party, promote the construction of a clean and honest government, strengthen the operation supervision and risk prevention and control, and so far maintain zero complaints.

2. Promoting Integration of Learning and Education

To ensure the effectiveness of learning and education, the branch clarifies the learning topics, required reading lists, and chapters, arranges discussions, exchanges, and centralized learning. A series of special learning sessions on learning and education of party history were held, and Chen Yongbing, Secretary of the Communist Youth League of Taizhou City, Jin Xianlong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Taizhou University, Hu Shaoguang, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Taizhou University, and Professor Yang Wenjie, Party School of Taizhou City, were invited to give special guidance. Actively implement the requirements of the special governance deployment for prominent issues in the lawyer industry, strengthen responsibility, compact work methods, and seriously organize lawyers to carry out learning and education activities. Actively promote the application of the "Learning to Build a Strong Country" platform, carry out regular notifications, and make it a common practice for party members and lawyers to focus on learning.

3. Building a solid foundation and strengthening integration

Summarize and explore the laws of party building work, improve and improve the institutional mechanisms for planning, deploying, and implementing party building and related work in law firms, with a focus on promoting the integration and development of party building and related work. Our institute follows the concept of "promoting party building, promoting party building, and leading party building" to promote party building work to resonate with the development of law firms in the same frequency and direction.

4. Cultural Gathering and Promoting Integration

Give full play to the role of the branch's battle fortress and the exemplary role of party members, actively create a cultural front for party building and a red book bar, and refine the "working method of benefiting the masses and the five groups". To highlight the red identity and commemorate the political birthday, we organized party members and lawyers to go to the Qi Jiguang Memorial Hall in the party spirit education base, the former site of the CPC Taiwan Special Committee, the Yijiangshan Islands Martyrs Cemetery, and the birthplace of the Second Division of the 13th Army of the Chinese Red Army to carry out theme party day activities, and strengthen the awareness of party members' identity, vanguard and mission.

2、 Building a Party building brand through the "Five Groups Work Method", with in-depth optional actions

The Liqun Party Branch has taken the "Five Groups Work Law" as the starting point, closely focusing on the vision, mission, and values of the law firm, fully leveraging the political leadership and core hub role of grassroots party organizations, and achieving a good situation in party building work and lawyer development.

1. The construction of a group centered party is the strongest force for the continuous progress of the group

Teamwork, be united with the Party and never forget your original intention.   Liqun Institute continuously deepens and implements the development guiding ideology of "Party building leading comprehensive development" by building a red spiritual home.

We have incorporated party building into the constitution, with the deputy secretary of the party branch attending the directors' meeting as a nonvoting delegate. The branch has three party groups, and four party members and lawyers have entered the management team of the law firm, strengthening the core and leading the "backbone"; Compile and print the "Party Building Work Manual" to effectively ensure the standardization, standardization, and process of Party building work; Establish a Liqun magazine, open up party and mass columns, and achieve full coverage of party building. Establish a cultural corridor for party building, a conference hall for the party and the masses, a public column for party affairs, and a red bookshelf to solidify the foundation of battlefield construction; Add the party emblem logo on the doorplate of the party member lawyer to indicate the identity of the party member; Celebrate your red birthday and awaken your original intention to join the Party. In Liqun, the construction of a group centered party is the strongest force for law firms to continuously advance.

2. The Party building of the stars is the eternal source of vitality for the benefit of the masses

The stars are as bright as stars. The effectiveness of party building work is not only reflected in the party building itself, but also should promote the ability improvement of lawyers in law firms during the party building process. The Liqun Party branch selects advanced models and combines them with the "Pioneer Model Post" to demonstrate and guide party members and lawyers, gather people's hearts with the power of the organization, and motivate growth with the power of benchmarks. The Party branch actively leads the talent cultivation and construction of law firms, and when law firms recruit, party members are given priority under the same conditions. The branch arranges business training every two weeks, sets up profit forums, organizes court hearings, conducts annual seminars on lawyer practice and theory, holds youth lawyer speech and debate competitions, and selects young lawyers to attend prestigious schools both domestically and internationally for further training, providing a platform and creating conditions for the growth of young lawyers.

Through the performance appraisal system, the law firm also rewards excellence, commends the advanced, and creates a "general atmosphere" for excellence. Many lawyers have stood out, and have been awarded the titles of "Outstanding Communist Party Members in the National Lawyer Industry", "exemplary individual in the National Legal Aid Work", "Outstanding Young Lawyers in Zhejiang Province", "Outstanding Lawyers in Taizhou City", and "Outstanding Young Lawyers in Taizhou City", or won prizes in debate contests, speech contests, and paper seminars. In Liqun, the star party building is an unwavering source of vitality for law firms.

3. Mass policy and party building are the fundamental guarantee for the democratic governance of the masses

Group strategy, provide suggestions. A law firm should have strong productivity, in addition to a scientific and reasonable distribution mechanism and talent mechanism, it should also be complemented by a corresponding democratic system. We introduced the Democratic centralism principle of the Party into the management of law firms, timely carried out organizational life, heart to heart talks, Group decision-making, etc., strengthened communication, enhanced understanding, and formed a consensus to promote the Party building work of branches and standardize the development of law firms.

We established a face-to-face section for law firm management at the law firm's annual meeting. The management of the law firm solicited opinions from party and mass organizations to collaborate on the development of the law firm, creating a strong atmosphere of brainstorming, brainstorming, love for the law firm, and action for the law firm. We are the first in the city's lawyer industry to establish a Youth Lawyer Work Department, hold youth lawyer symposiums, and build a platform for communication and exchange with young lawyers. Organizing an internship symposium has strengthened the law firm's humanistic care and communication with interns, provided them with a series of constructive opinions, and provided a certain decision-making basis for the law firm to improve the management and business guidance of interns. In the interest of the masses, mass policy party building is the fundamental guarantee for the democratic governance of law firms.

4. Mass party building is an important measure of unity and mutual assistance among the masses

Group efforts, the collective efforts of friends. The ancients said, "Everyone is united, and their benefits cut off gold." After the reorganization of the Liqun, they faced the problem of how to integrate. The Liqun branch provides dedicated services, organizes lawyers to participate in outdoor expansion activities such as mountain climbing, holds fun sports events, and enhances everyone's sense of belonging; Establish a basketball team to compete with the Taizhou Housing and Urban Development United Team, the Taizhou Judicial Bureau team, and Taizhou Zhongyong Zhongtian Certified Public Accountants to enhance friendship and cohesion through competitive means. Under the leadership of party building, Li Qun people communicate openly, unite and work together to build the most happy law firm. In Liqun, collective party building is an important measure for law firms to unite and assist each other.

5. Mass arts and party building is a rich source of food for the cultural life of the community

Group Art, Mastery of Literature and Art. Integrate party building with the promotion and implementation of law firm culture, cultivate spiritual connotations, enhance value pursuit, and make the atmosphere of the law firm vigorous and progressive, leading to a civilized life for party members. Liqun lawyers are versatile, especially young lawyers who are capable of writing and martial arts.

We hold the "First Legal Culture Festival" in Liqun to promote legal culture and the concept of the rule of law; We establish a horse racing team to shape a strong physique; We hold basketball friendly matches to promote the competitive spirit of determination and progress; We organize flower arranging events to cultivate our character and cultivate our character; We offer yoga classes to promote physical and mental health; We join hands in building tourism groups, embracing poetry and the distance; We provide work lunches to enhance our happiness index; We have a coffee bar to enhance our quality of life; We hold birthday parties every month to celebrate employees' birthdays, and hold welcoming parties at the end of the year to create a colorful and artistic atmosphere. In Liqun, Qunyi Party building is a rich source of cultural life for law firms.

3、 Boost the development of party building with the "four services", and take multiple measures at a high level

Liqun should bear in mind its own social responsibility, fully leverage the role of lawyers in preventing risks, resolving conflicts, maintaining normal economic and social order, fulfill social responsibilities, and participate in serving local economic development and social governance.

1. Serve the construction of a rule of law government

Multiple party members and lawyers have served as legal advisors to the Municipal Party Committee and Government, legislative experts to the Municipal Government, members of the Municipal Administrative Reconsideration Professional Committee, and members of the Municipal Government Legal Service Think Tank. One lawyer has served as a representative to the 6th National People's Congress of Taizhou City, a member of the Municipal People's Congress Supervision and Judicial Committee, serving local legislation, participating in political discussions, and building a rule of law government, effectively promoting the improvement of the government's ability to administer and make decisions in accordance with the law Improved the level of government rule of law.

2. Serving local economic development

The Taizhou Law Research Base for Serving the Development of Private Economy is awarded the license to Liqun Institute. Through organizing a series of lectures on serving the development of private economy in Taizhou, a youth entrepreneur exchange meeting, and tax law lectures, Liqun Institute actively leverages the professional advantages of lawyers to create the best business environment and help enterprises overcome difficulties. During the epidemic, a cross regional anti epidemic legal service volunteer group was established, and a compilation of policies for enterprises in Taizhou City was compiled and printed to help enterprises understand and enjoy policies in a one-stop manner, allowing them to feel the warmth of the Party committee and government.

3. Construction of Public Legal Service System

Liqun lawyers actively participate in legal aid, legal education, village legal advisors, lawyer mediation, and public welfare legal services. Seven lawyers were selected for the Taizhou City Major Criminal Legal Aid Defense Team; Participate in activities such as "Legal Aid Entering the High Wall" at the Taizhou Legal Aid Center; Establish a public welfare legal education group, call on party members to actively participate in the construction of the rule of law, send the law to villages, communities, schools, and enterprises, and organize various forms of legal education activities. In addition, Liqun Institute also demonstrated social responsibility and expanded channels for legal services by donating desks and chairs to schools for migrant workers' children, donating 64200 yuan during the epidemic, and donating 20000 yuan to the "Youth" and "Youth Entrepreneurship" public welfare funds of the Taizhou Youth League Committee.

4. Serving the maintenance of social stability

Liqun lawyers actively participate in the reception of petitions, consultation on petitions, and crackdown on criminal activities, leveraging their professional advantages, actively assisting government petitions departments in facilitating group petitions, and creating a good legal environment for resolving conflicts and disputes.

4、 Guided by the "Three Linkages" of Party Building Cohesion, Cohesion Has Temperature

Adhering to the principle of party building leading group building, group building serving party building, and striving for excellence through joint party and group building is a major measure to strengthen and improve the party's leadership over working-class women's organizations in the new situation, and further stimulate the vitality and vitality of working-class women's organizations. The Liqun Institute has established a four in one operation model for the Party's workers, young women, and women. Under the leadership of the Party branch, the trade union, the Communist Youth League, and the Women's Federation actively collaborate, integrating resources and learning to create a more solid and win-win situation for the Party's cause by rallying the broad masses of all parties.

1. Union linkage

Actively leverage the leading role of party building in leading industrial construction and the two-way interaction between party building and industrial construction, use party building to drive the ideological, activity, and team building of trade union organizations, and continuously enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of trade union organizations. The Jiaojiang District Federation of Trade Unions and the Trade Union of Liqun Institute jointly built the "Jiaojiang District Staff Law Learning Training Base", and actively played the role of the base, assisting the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions to hold the special legal training of "sending the law into the enterprise", accurately matching the legal needs of staff, and pooling wisdom and making contributions to promoting harmonious labor relations.

2. Communist Youth League linkage

Closely integrate the arrangement and deployment of the Party organization's activities to create excellence, learn and draw on the ideas and methods of the Party organization's activities to strengthen the grassroots organization construction of the Youth League, and activate the grassroots work of the Youth League. The Liqun League Branch actively participated in the activity of young legal people's "better life, code peer" jointly organized by Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Justice, Taizhou Municipal Law Popularization Office, Taizhou Lawyers Association, Xianju County Bureau of Justice and Xianju County Law Popularization Office, giving full play to the professional advantages, professional advantages and practical advantages of the legal professional community in the rule of law publicity work; Organize law firm debate competitions, speech competitions, annual meetings, etc., and call on young league members to strengthen their study of party history, carry forward the spirit of hard work and struggle, and take the centenary of the founding of the party as a new starting point to move forward courageously.

3. Women's Federation linkage

The Liqun Institute Women's Federation fully leverages the role of women's mass organizations under the leadership of the Party and actively participates in the activities of striving for excellence. "Taizhou Law Research Base for Women and Children's Private Economic Development", "Taizhou Women and Children's Legal Rights Protection Service Station", "Taizhou Women and Children's Legal Service Center", and "Yijiahe" Family Mediation Brand Studio in Jiaojiang District were set up in Liqun Institute.

Dear Party members and comrades

Based on years of exploration and practice in strengthening party building in the lawyer industry, Liqun Institute has integrated party building into its establishment through the "4543" working mechanism, promoting the organic integration of party building and institution building, and forming a good situation where party building and institution building are flying together.

When the wind is strong, let it break through the waves and sail; The task is heavy and the road is long, and we still need to ride our horses and raise our whip.   Welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding achievements!

General Assembly Elections

After the conference reviewed and approved the "Election Measures" and the list of scrutineers and counting personnel, Comrade Zhang Wenzhong, a publicity committee member, introduced the candidates for the branch committee.

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Subsequently, all personnel voted. The election work follows the principles of fairness, impartiality, and openness. Through secret ballot and differential election, seven comrades, Huang Daojin, Yin Chaohui, Zhong Yaoyao, Cai Wanying, Ruan Taotao, Zhang Liang, and Gu Qizhi, were elected as members of the new branch committee. The election results will be submitted to the higher-level party organization for approval in accordance with regulations.

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Vote counting and scrutinizing

First plenary meeting

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The new branch committee held its first plenary meeting and elected the Party branch secretary and deputy secretary equally. The division of labor for the branch committee was carried out based on the nature and characteristics of the elected members' work.

The organizational structure of this election is tight, the procedures are standardized, transparent and open, and the progress is smooth. Under the leadership of the new party branch, all party members of Liqun Institute will continue to play the role of the party branch as a battleground and a vanguard model for party members, and welcome the convening of the 20th National Congress with a new and uplifting attitude!

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