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Liqun Party Branch Holds a Special Study Meeting on the Spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 15th Zhejiang Provincial Party Congress, improve the quality of party building, and standardize management, on the evening of July 18th, the branch committee of Zhejiang Liqun Law Firm of the Communist Party of China held a special study meeting on the spirit of the 15th Zhejiang Provincial Party Congress, with all party members, inspection subjects, and active party members attending the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Lawyer Wang Xinping, Secretary of the Party Branch.

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Reading the Report of the 15th Provincial Party Congress

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Under the leadership of Lawyer Huang Daojin, Deputy Director of Liqun Institute and Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch, participating party members and lawyers focused on learning the spirit of the Party Congress, comprehensively grasping the core essence and rich connotation of the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress.



Study and Exchange of the Spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress

Lawyers Huang Daojin, Yin Chaohui, Feng Yi, and Cai Huiqiang, deputy directors of Liqun Institute, shared their personal learning experiences one after another.

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Lawyer Huang Daojin believes that as a Legal profession, he should give full play to his professional characteristics and professional advantages, comprehensively promote the vivid practice of Socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang with the political consciousness of "two safeguards", and keep in mind the lawyer's "three safeguards": protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties, safeguard the correct implementation of the law, and safeguard social fairness and justice. We firmly support and support the spirit of the Party, firmly support and fulfill the requirements of the Party, and contribute our own efforts to promoting the rule of law in Zhejiang and the "Two First".

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Lawyer Yin Chaohui pointed out that the development theme, goals, and main work of the Party, including Zhejiang Province, are actually carried out around three aspects: politics, economy, and culture.   He believes that as a lawyer, doing one's job well is also a contribution to the construction of the rule of law in Zhejiang.

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Lawyer Feng Yi believes that lawyers should adhere to the leadership of the Party, maintain good party spirit, and have high political awareness. Over the past five years, many local regulations have been introduced, and from a legislative perspective, there have been many innovations and developments. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a positive learning attitude and update one's own knowledge reserves in a timely manner in order to adapt to market demand and provide better legal services. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the work of law popularization. We should give full play to our ability from the level of law firms and lawyers themselves. We should carry out more law popularization work in accordance with the Constitution and other laws and regulations, the Civil code and other norms closely related to daily life, so that the entire Zhejiang Province and even the entire industry can be promoted. Lawyer Feng Yi also pointed out that we should attach importance to the cultivation and introduction of young talents, do a good job in guiding young lawyers, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the entire legal industry.

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Lawyer Cai Huiqiang believes that as a lawyer, we have the obligation to work hard to build Zhejiang Province into a modern Common prosperity province. Lawyers should also take warning from the traditional and non-traditional security, the level of network management and network governance, and the early-warning, prevention and disposal mechanism of domain risks pointed out in the report. They also need to care for young lawyers, who should become the vanguard force to promote the modernization of Common prosperity. As the management of a law firm, it is also important to do a good job in the management of the firm.

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Lawyer Wang Xinping pointed out that the vitality and vitality of cities cannot be separated from youth. Therefore, how to cultivate and retain young lawyers is an important issue for law firms.

Finally, Lawyer Wang Xinping emphasized that all party members and lawyers should learn and deeply understand the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress, improve their legal service capabilities, practice their original intention in practice, shoulder their responsibilities bravely, and strive to promote the "two pioneers" in the new journey, play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and lawyers, and effectively implement the spirit of the Party Congress into the management of law firms and the work of lawyers.

After the special study session on the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress, party members and lawyers from Liqun Institute deeply understood the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress. In the future, they will devote themselves to the work of lawyers with full enthusiasm, actively participate in party building activities, help improve party building and standardize management, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

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