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Studying Party History and Realizing the Original Heart - The Liqun Party Branch Organized a Special Session on Party History Learning and Education and a Party History Knowledge Competition

On the evening of March 29th, the branch committee of Zhejiang Liqun Law Firm of the Communist Party of China organized a special meeting on learning and education of party history and a party history knowledge competition. The meeting was presided over by Lawyer Wang Xinping, Secretary of the Party Branch. Members of the Party branch, all party members, lawyers, and probationary party members attended the meeting. The deputy director of the law firm who is not a party member, the subject of party membership inspection, and active party members attended the meeting as nonvoting delegates.

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The meeting focused on learning the spirit of speeches at the Party history learning, education and mobilization conference, Secretary Yuan Jiajun at the provincial party history learning, education and mobilization deployment meeting, and Secretary Li Yueqi at the city party history learning, education and mobilization deployment meeting.

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Listening to a Historical Story

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Jinggang Mountains Revolutionary Museum: red traffic card that can be learned from the original intention



Reciting a passage of literature and historical materials

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Today in Party History

Share learning insights

Lawyer Wang Xinping, Secretary of the Party Branch

Through studying the history of the Party, I have gained a deeper understanding of the hard-earned stability of life, strengthened my faith and belief, and strengthened the responsibilities and mission of lawyer work. As a "demonstration lawyer industry party organization in Taizhou City," the Liqun Party Branch has the responsibility and obligation to lead in the study and education of party history and do a good demonstration.

Lawyer Huang Daojin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch

Remembering hardships and sweet thoughts, never forgetting the kindness of the party. Under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people have become masters of their own affairs, realizing the process from poverty to a well-off society, from weakness to strength, from bullying by others to "the Chinese people are not easy to mess with, and if they mess with, it is not easy to deal with". Cherishing the present life is both a sense of national pride and a sense of happiness. Every party member should never forget their original intention and always strive for success.

Advocacy Committee Member Zhang Wenzhong, Lawyer

By studying Party history, I have strengthened my courage and confidence in enhancing my confidence in the path, system, culture, and theory. The correct path that the older Revolutionary had painstakingly explored and sacrificed made China walk out of a desperate situation. On the contrary, the path of Socialism with Chinese characteristics has become wider and wider. The institutional advantage of concentrating on major events has enabled us to unite our efforts to overcome the unimaginable difficulties and obstacles on the way forward and move from victory to new victory.

Lawyer Zhong Yaoyao, Organizational Committee Member

The CPC has ushered in its centenary! Reviewing the immortal contributions our Party has made to the Chinese nation and people since its founding, let us understand more clearly that only under the leadership of the CPC and adhering to the road of building Socialism with Chinese characteristics can we develop China and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. After carefully reading the history of the CPC, I feel deeply how hard the stable and prosperous social situation is today. I also deeply realize that there is no new China without the Communist Party, and only the Communist Party can build a good new China!

Discipline Inspection Commissioner Cai Wanying Lawyer

Today's life was bought through the sweat, tears, and blood of our ancestors. Happiness is not easy to come by. We must cherish it, never forget the past, explore the future, carry forward the spirit of our ancestors' hard work and selfless dedication, never forget our original intention, have responsibility, and take responsibility. Growing up in the green mountains and waters of Zhejiang, we must start from ourselves, protect the ecological environment, and contribute our own efforts to achieving new progress in the construction of ecological civilization.

Party History Knowledge Competition

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After the study meeting, a party history knowledge competition was held.   Jiaojiang Party History and other related content. The competition is supervised by Pan Chan, a part-time lawyer at Liqun Institute and a teacher at Taizhou Vocational and Technical College.

The launch of this special session effectively promotes all party members and lawyers to learn history, clarify principles, enhance credibility, uphold morality, and practice history, to learn party history, understand ideas, do practical things, and open up new opportunities. With a proud attitude, we strive to embark on a new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modern country, and welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with outstanding achievements.


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