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Jiaojiang District Organization Department and other leaders visited Liqun Institute to guide party building

On the morning of March 15, Zhang Guangmin, Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the CPC Jiaojiang District Committee of Taizhou City, and Tao Sisi, Chief of the Two New Sections of the Organization Department, accompanied by Cui Zongshu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Judicial Bureau of Jiaojiang District, Chen Yajing, Chief of the Political and Engineering Section of the Judicial Bureau of Jiaojiang District, and Shi Saimei, Chief of the Legal Management Section, visited Liqun Institute to guide Party building. Our director lawyer Wang Xinping, founding partner lawyer Zhou Xiangen, senior partner lawyer Liu Mao, deputy party branch secretary lawyer Huang Daojin, and other party branch members participated in the symposium.

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After sitting in the conference room, Director Wang Xinping first introduced the relevant situation of the law firm since its restructuring and pointed out that Liqun has three advantages: firstly, there are more party members and lawyers, secondly, there are more young lawyers, and thirdly, there are more female lawyers. Subsequently, Director Wang Xinping reported on the "123456" work plan for the construction of the Liqun Party, which is to adhere to the "one direction": to adhere to the correct political direction;   Handle the "three relationships" well: the relationship between partner meetings and party branch meetings, the relationship between director and party branch secretary, and the relationship between economic and social benefits; Pay attention to the "four constructions": position construction, cultural construction, organizational construction, and the construction of women in labor unions; Strive for the "Five Good": a good leadership team, a good team of party members, a good working mechanism, a good exemplary role, and a good social response; Achieve the "six in place": organizational structure in place, work mechanism in place, position construction in place, activity implementation in place, organizational development in place, and funding guarantee in place.

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After listening to Director Wang Xinping's report, Deputy Director Cui Zongshu pointed out that this year is the year of standardized construction of party building work in the lawyer industry. To achieve the goal of fully standardized party building in the lawyer industry, the party organization of the law firm is the key. He hopes that the party building work of Liqun Institute can achieve early planning, high standards, brilliance, and effectiveness.

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Tao Sisi, the head of the two new departments of the Organization Department, pointed out that the construction of law firms and party building work are inseparable. He hopes that Liqun Institute can implement party building work in place from hardware and software, and has put forward guiding opinions and suggestions for creating party building demonstration points, building new office positions, and functional blocks.

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At the end of the meeting, Vice Minister Zhang Guangmin of the Organization Department pointed out that the party building of Liqun Institute can be summarized in five keywords: large (relatively large scale), strong (relatively strong team), early (early planning of party building work), high (starting point relatively high), and solid (solid party building work). He emphasized the importance of integrating party building work into the culture of law firms, using law firms as a link, and penetrating the voice of the party into every corner. And put forward five requirements: first, focus on the construction of the leadership team, achieve team integration; Secondly, focus on the team and achieve team integration; Thirdly, focus on institutional construction and achieve institutional integration; Fourthly, focus on activities and achieve integration of activities; The fifth is to focus on the construction of positions and achieve the integration of positions. I hope that the party building work of Liqun Institute can combine with the unique law firm culture, and make Liqun Institute's party building a benchmark in the Taizhou region.

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After the symposium, Director Wang Xinping, on behalf of the law firm, expressed gratitude to the leaders of the Organization Department and the Judicial Bureau for visiting Liqun Institute, and stated that the development of the law firm cannot be separated from the guidance of party building work. We promote party building through party building, promote development through building, and have confidence in doing a good job in party building work.

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