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Qunxin Brilliant and Full of Enthusiasm - The 2018 Meeting of Liqun Law Firm and the 2019 New Year Reception Party have come to a successful conclusion

Annual Celebration

Liqun Law Firm 2018 Annual Meeting

2019 New Year Party

Looking back on our journey, we stumbled and stumbled

Full of ambition, we have embarked on a journey

Looking forward to the future, we are all full of expectations

Work together to create a better future

On the afternoon of January 27, 2019, the 2018 meeting and 2019 welcome party of Zhejiang Liqun Law Firm, "Shining and full of pride," was grandly held in the Peony Hall on the third floor of the Xiangyi Hotel. All partners, lawyers, and administrative personnel participated in this grand event.

Annual Meeting

This annual meeting is the first one after the restructuring of the law firm, presided over by our director, Lawyer Wang Xinping. The meeting opened with self introduction and warm applause from everyone.

The first agenda item of the meeting was announced by our founding partner, Lawyer Zhou Xiangen, who announced the list of leaders of the leadership team, party and mass organizations, and all leaders made statements amidst congratulations. The second agenda item of the meeting was carefully selected by the attending lawyers in the explanation provided by Senior Partner Lawyer Liu Mao. The last agenda item of the meeting was the suggestion section. Director Wang Xinping discussed the work ideas for the future development of the law firm, namely "one goal, two major tasks, three missions, four platforms, and five responsibilities", and had a profound discussion and exchange with everyone on the new blueprint for the development of the law firm. Everyone gathered their ideas and expressed their opinions, and put forward their own expectations and suggestions for the future development of the law firm.


Director Wang Xinping presided over

Each responsible person expresses their position and makes speeches


Professional department selection


Provide advice and suggestions


Take a group photo as a souvenir

Red Carpet Show

Let's focus our attention on the red carpet corridor. Under the spotlight, the handsome men and women of the Liqun family are dressed in their best attire, showcasing their unique charm and enjoying tonight's carnival belonging to the Liqun people! (For more red carpet events, please click on the link below)


evening party to welcome newcomers

Hosting lineup


Wang Ying (left) and Ruan Taotao (right)

Leadership Speech

Drink the Wonderful

Speaker: Zhou Xiangen


Be prepared for the future without fear, as is the common way of the country; with the intersection of hearts, we can achieve a long and distant future

Speaker: Liu Mao


Searching for the Most Happy Law Firm in a Changing World

Speaker: Wang Xinping


Exciting Program

Song "The First Experience of Love"

Performer: Zhou Xinliu (Top 10 of Taizhou's "I Am a Singer")


Song 'Suddenly Miss You'

Performer: Zhan Hankang


Reciting 'We are Glorious Chinese Lawyers'

Performers: Li Yuanwei, Yan Longhua, Gu Hangping, Zhang Wenzhong, Cai Wanying, Huang Ning, Gu Qizhi


Song 'Lu Hua'

Performer: Xiao Wangjia (a guest singer at the Taizhou Spring Festival Gala and a winner of the first prize in the Huangyan District Vocal Music Competition)


The song 'I Can't Leave You'

Performer: Jiang Hai


Short film 'Lawyer's Poems and the Distance'

Producer: Zhang Liang


The song "Tomorrow Will Be Better"

Performer: All Li Qun people (lead singer of Li Qun basketball team)


Fun Games

Exciting programs wave after wave

Lucky draw round after round

Laugh happily, its joy is harmonious, although it is in winter

But also infected by the strong atmosphere

Full of warmth


Passion Lottery Chapter


First Prize Winners: Zhao Nianxian and Tian Jingyun (Presented by Zhou Xiangen)

Second Prize Winners: Zhu Guojun, Yin Yujiao, Jin Haibo, Huang Ning, and Li Zhongnian (Presented by Liu Mao)

Third Prize Winners: Qiu Sujuan, Gu Qizhi, Chen Xianjun, Guan Wenzhong, Zhong Yaoyao, Zhou Yanyang, Li Caiying, Zhang Yingwei (Presented by Wang Xinping)

With the loud singing of Tomorrow Will Be Better by all Liqun people, the "2018 Annual Meeting and 2019 New Year Party" of Zhejiang Liqun Law Firm came to a successful end. Here, we sincerely thank leaders at all levels for their care and support to Liqun Law Firm, as well as the trust and love of our clients. We also express our sincere gratitude to the lawyers and employees who are preparing for this annual meeting!

2019 is a brand new year, full of hope and challenges. Let us strive to run and forge ahead with the vision of building the "happiest law firm in the city"!

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