Gu Hangping

| 台州



Educational background

  • Master of Laws in Constitutional theory and Administration of Northwest Minzu University

Social position

Awards and honors

  • exemplary individual for 2018 Rule of Law Publicity (2019.03)

  • Third prize of 2019 Luqiao District Young Lawyers Speech Contest (2019.07)

Important cases

  • The plaintiff shall perform the legal duties in the case of the defendant Luqiao District Brigade of Taizhou Public Security Fire Brigade and the third person Luzhou Public Security Bureau Luqiao Branch Lubei Police Station (the plaintiff withdraws the lawsuit)

  • Plaintiff Wang and Shao v. Defendant Taizhou Public Security Bureau Huangyan Branch Public Security Administrative Penalty Case (Revoking the decision not to punish a third party and ordering a new one)

  • Plaintiff Ying and Defendant Zhang sued Defendant Taizhou Luqiao District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau for other administrative actions (rejecting the original application)

Main works


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