Jiang Wan

| 台州




Educational background

  • June 2012, Bachelor of Laws, School of Urban Science and Technology, Chongqing University

Social position

  • Member of Labor and Social Security Special Committee of Taizhou Lawyers Association, Zhejiang Province

  • Taizhou Legal Aid Center Taizhou Intermediate People's Court Workstation Aid Lawyer

  • Taizhou Legal Aid Center Detention Center Workstation Aid Lawyer

  • Aid lawyer at Jiaojiang District People's Court Workstation of Jiaojiang District Legal Aid Center

Awards and honors

Important cases

  • Criminal defense case of Chen suspected of drug trafficking

  • Criminal defense case of Tong suspected of participating in gangland crimes and the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble

  • Criminal Defense Case of Cao Suspected of Intentional Murder

  • Fu XX and XX somebody insurance company traffic accident case

  • Xu and Lu divorce dispute case

  • Labor dispute between Wang  and a company in Taizhou Zhongfei

  • Sun v. Enze Group Taizhou Hospital Doctor-patient Dispute Case

  • Chen v. Enze Group Taizhou Hospital Doctor-patient Dispute Case

  • Insolvency and reorganization of a hospital in Wenling

  • Bankruptcy and reorganization of a lighting company in Taizhou Luqiao

  • Bankruptcy and liquidation of an electroplating company in Taizhou

Main works


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