Zhong Yaoyao

| 台州

senior partner/lawyer



Educational background

  • n July 2014, graduated from Oujiang College of Wenzhou University, Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Management

  • In September 2016, China University of Political Science and Law, an on-the-job postgraduate in intellectual property law

Social position

  • Member of Taizhou Youth Lawyer Committee

  • Taizhou City 251 Talent Training Plan for Elite Young Lawyers

Awards and honors

Important cases

  • Case of a company in Taizhou suing many shops in Yiwu Commercial City for infringement of design patent rights

  • Spanish company v. a company in Taizhou for infringement of design patent rights, successfully revised in the second instance

  • Guangzhou company sued multiple Taizhou beverage stores for copyright infringement dispute case

  • Case of a French company suing multiple Taizhou companies for copyright infringement dispute

  • Yongkang Company sued multiple companies across the country for infringement of design patent rights dispute case

Main works

  • Research on Civil and Commercial Legal Regulations for the Lack of Corporate Commercial Credit "Legal Expo", Issue 6, 2016


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