Ruan Taotao

| 台州

senior partner/lawyer


Educational background

  • Graduated from Zhejiang University City College in June 2008

Social position

  • Member of the Company and Bankruptcy Management Professional Committee of Taizhou Lawyers Association

  • Member of the Construction Engineering and Real Estate Professional Committee of Taizhou Lawyers Association

Awards and honors

  • Selected for the 2017 Taizhou Lawyer Industry "251" Talent Cultivation Plan

  • "On the Improvement of Personal Debt Clearing Procedures - Reflections on the Practice of Personal Debt Clearing in Taizhou City" won the second prize at the 2019 Taizhou Lawyer Industry Excellent Paper Seminar

  • "Special Legal Services for Rescuing and Reorganizing Difficult Enterprises" Selected as the First Excellent Legal Service Product of the Taizhou Lawyers Association

  • Won the "exemplary individual" of Taizhou Bankruptcy Administrator Association in 2021

Important cases

  • Peng sued Xu for debt transfer dispute

  • Case of Wang et al. v. Zhou et al. over Equity Transfer Dispute

  • A case of a dispute over an auction contract between a certain company and a certain supply and marketing cooperative

  • A case of construction contract dispute between a certain company and a certain company

  • The bankruptcy reorganization case of a certain company

Main works

  • Brief Discussion on the Cooperation between the Debtor's Self Management Right and the Supervisor's Supervision Right. Legal and Social Affairs, 2017, Issue 8

  • On the Improvement of Personal Debt Clearing Procedures: Reflections on the Practice of Personal Debt Clearing in Taizhou City

  • Special Legal Services for Rescuing and Reorganizing Difficult Enterprises


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