Tian Jingyun

| 台州

senior partner/lawyer



Educational background

  • From September 1980 to July 1984, graduated from Sichuan Normal University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics

  • Passed the National Lawyer Qualification Examination in 1988 (obtained the Lawyer Qualification Certificate in March 1990)

  • From October 1988 to April 1990, graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law with a bachelor's degree in Law (self-taught)

  • From September 1992 to June 1995, graduated from Southwest University of Political Science&Law with a bachelor's degree in law (college to undergraduate correspondence)

Social position

  • Arbitrator of the 5th Taizhou Arbitration Commission

  • Taizhou Jiaojiang District Legal Supervisor

  • Legal Aid Volunteers in Taizhou City

Awards and honors

  • 2022 Excellent Legal Adviser of Villages (Communities) in Jiaojiang District, Taizhou City

  • exemplary individual of legal aid in Jiaojiang District, Taizhou

  • Director of an excellent law firm in Jiaojiang District, Taizhou

  • Third Prize for Lawyer Practice Thesis in Taizhou City in 2000

  • Third Prize for Lawyer Practice Thesis in Taizhou City in 2001

Important cases

  • Dispute case between a company manager and a bank Yuhuan branch requesting revocation of individual settlement actions

  • Li and other administrative actions of the Personnel Bureau of Taizhou City

  • Dispute case between Liang and an import and export agent company over infringement of trade secrets

  • Non prosecution case of juvenile theft (legal aid)

  • A case of a suspected fraud case that was found innocent after a pre litigation meeting review (legal aid)

  • A minor suspected of provoking and causing trouble is not transferred for prosecution (legal aid)

Main works

  • On the Specific Application of the Subrogation System in the New Contract Law in Maritime Litigation, Latest Lawyer Practice Research (People's Public Security University of China Press, 2000)

  • Agreement on Consumption Mortgage Loan Contract (co authored with Chen Chien-ping), Latest Lawyer Practice Research (People's Public Security University of China Press, 2001)


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