Li Changhua

| 台州


Educational background

  • In July 1989, graduated from the law department of Hangzhou University

  • In January 2001, the graduate class of International economic law of Peking University was completed

Social position

  • Director of the Council of Taizhou Lawyers Association

Awards and honors

Important cases

  • Plaintiff Sheng v. Defendant Zhang Civil Loan Case (Refusal of Original Petition)

  • Plaintiff Zhou and Wang v. Defendant He in the Case of a House Purchase and Sale Contract (Reject the original application)

  • Plaintiff Zhong v. Defendant Chen in the Case of Liability for Victims of Labor Service Providers (Rejecting Plaintiff's Application against Defendant Chen)

  • Plaintiff Chen v. Defendant Tai's Life Insurance Contract Case (Rejecting Plaintiff's Application)

Main works


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