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Internship insights

I have been fond of watching TVB legal dramas since I was young. Watching the big characters in them speak fiercely and eloquently in court, I feel so powerful and impressive. Although the main major of the university is not law, I used my spare time to minor in a second major in law, and completed all courses to obtain a Bachelor of Laws degree. Fortunately, I also passed the National Judicial Examination. I am really happy to be able to come to Liqun Institute because it means I have taken an important step on the path of becoming a professional lawyer.

Although the one-year internship is not long, I have really learned a lot from my predecessors and teachers, which are knowledge that I have never covered in books. Below are some insights I have gained during my internship:

1. The transformation of ideas

I remember when I graduated, everyone told me that being a lawyer was very difficult, especially for girls. I should take the civil service exam or a public institution, and my job would be easy, comfortable, and stable. But I don't think so. Perhaps it's because I watched too many TVB legal dramas when I was a child. I really longed for the profession of a lawyer from the bottom of my heart.

After arriving at Liqun, it further confirmed that my previous choice was not wrong. There used to be a lot of confusion and uncertainty about career choices, but now there is a feeling of sudden clarity that has never been experienced before. I am increasingly discovering that I have a deeper interest and confidence in law. From the teachers and predecessors, I feel their love for legal work, and their actions also prove this: combining the pursuit of justice with the realization of self-worth. This itself is an extremely glorious thing. I am fortunate to be able to become a lawyer, and I am even more fortunate to be able to connect my interests with my profession, rather than just using it as a means of making a living. The career path in the future is still long, and what we can do now is to arm ourselves with a large amount of theory and practice, cultivate legal thinking and other basic social and humanistic qualities, and better integrate into this job.

2. Work gains

Although most of my job responsibilities do not have much technical content, as my experience and knowledge are still limited, even trivial tasks have taught me a lot. Patience and meticulousness in work have all been cultivated by me through my efforts, and I believe they will be of great help to my future studies and work. In addition to these, it also involves some professional work. Although at the superficial level, it has given me a deeper understanding of legal work and played a certain role in my future career planning.

1. Interpersonal communication.

Entering society, we need to interact and communicate with different people, especially in the profession of lawyers, where communication occupies an important position in our work. Not only should we communicate with the parties involved, but also with their families, judges, prosecutors, public security, and other departments. The attitude and skills of communication are very important.

I remember once, Mr. Li Zhongnian took me to Linhai Detention center for a meeting. Before the meeting, I had to give the official letter to the police officer in charge. Teacher Li said that in criminal cases, when facing public security, our attitude should be neither arrogant nor inferiority. We have an equal relationship with the public security, and meeting is our job and our right. We must strive to fulfill our duties as lawyers and also coordinate our relationship with the public security in order to safeguard the interests of the parties involved. In addition, in the process of investigation and evidence collection, as well as communication with other departments, it is necessary to pay attention to and strengthen the details of being polite and grasping the appropriate measures.

2. Legal documents.

Although universities have conducted systematic learning of legal knowledge, most of it is theoretical knowledge and rarely involves practical operations. Even though I passed the judicial exam, when I first joined the law firm, I didn't even know how to write a lawsuit. By flipping through the files of teachers and seniors, as well as reviewing demonstration templates online, I gradually became familiar with them. I am truly grateful to my teachers and seniors for their help and training in writing various documents, such as pleadings, defenses, cross-examination opinions, agency words, property preservation applications, termination applications, extension of proof applications, administrative reconsideration applications, bail pending applications, execution applications, and withdrawal of arbitration applications. From the initial loopholes to the gradual improvement, I really learned a lot from it.

During the one-year internship, document writing accounted for the majority of the content. In fact, it is easy to write a basically qualified document because all you need to express is to write it out, but it is difficult to write an excellent document because there are many ways of expression, and different people may be allergic to different words. Only through continuous practice, operation, and exercise can I improve and make progress. Mistakes are inevitable, but only by making mistakes can one discover one's own shortcomings and deficiencies, and can they be addressed and improved accordingly.

3. Trial techniques.

During the trial, attention should be paid to the situation of all parties in the court, using the speed of speech and changes in volume to highlight the main points of one's own and draw the attention of all parties. What impressed me the most was Teacher Li Hongfei's preparation work for the trial, where various documents were always neatly arranged on his desk during the trial. He once told me that in every case, when writing a complaint, it is necessary to first clarify the laws or judicial interpretation regulations that will be involved. In the preparation work before appearing in court, it is necessary to sort out the evidence materials, as well as the laws and regulations that may be used in this case, including the preparation of judicial interpretations, in order to have more confidence in the trial. Although the trial process was only a few short hours, it condensed all the lawyer's thinking, wisdom, knowledge, and preparation in court.

4. Organize the case files.

Organizing case files is one of the basic tasks of every intern lawyer. Although the content is dull and monotonous, a lot of knowledge can be learned during the process of organizing. Teacher Zhou Hailong's case involves a lot of bank debt collection, so his lawsuit is also very complete. Through sorting and reading, I can learn the essence of the documents accumulated by teachers' years of experience. Lawyer Cai has a wide range of insurance contract cases and has formed a complete case handling process. Through learning and referencing the case files, I have gradually learned to distinguish between compulsory traffic insurance, car damage insurance, and third-party liability insurance, starting from my initial ignorance of insurance. These seemingly insignificant little things actually enrich my knowledge and improve my thinking in small drops.

5. Explore the source of the case.

The key to a lawyer's life lies in the source of the case. Fortunately, after being introduced by a classmate, I received my first case in my legal career, which involved the crime of opening a casino. As I am still an intern lawyer and cannot handle cases alone, I asked Lawyer Cai for help. I am truly grateful to him. He not only taught me the other details and theoretical knowledge involved in the crime of opening a casino, but also guided me on how to communicate and communicate with the parties and their families, how to make them trust you, and the issues that need to be paid attention to when meeting the parties during the investigation stage... During this time, I also extensively searched and reviewed past case materials, relevant laws and regulations, judicial interpretations, and through sorting and analysis, Summarize the key and basis for conviction and sentencing, as well as the approximate scope of sentencing. These bits and pieces of work have given me a more systematic understanding of the crime of opening a casino, and have accumulated very important experience for my future work.

3. Shortcomings

In internship work, although there are praises, progress, and gains, there are also many flaws, shortcomings, and criticisms.

1. There is a lack of communication between intern lawyers.

Due to the fact that our intern lawyers are all distributed in different offices and we don't usually move around, there is a lack of communication and exchange, which leads to information being unable to be shared and even making the same mistakes when facing the same problem. Lawyer Cai once told me that in the past, several of their intern lawyers were in a large office, and they would communicate, exchange, discuss, learn from each other, and complement each other's strengths when there were any interesting or novel cases. After making mistakes, you can also warn each other, learn from them, and avoid them next time. However, we rarely communicate, and interesting cases cannot be shared together, and mistakes cannot be warned and corrected by each other. This is something we urgently need to correct in the future. Only by learning, communicating, and sharing together can we progress faster and learn more.

2. Delayed information feedback.

Once, due to my lack of timely feedback, I delayed the teacher's case progress and made a huge mistake. This mistake taught me a lesson. The teachers themselves are very busy with their work, and many things are difficult to take into account. As apprentices, the most important and basic thing is to inform them of the things assigned by the teachers and the situation after handling them in a timely and accurate manner, and feedback information must be timely.

3. Fear of making mistakes.

Everyone wants to showcase their best and best selves to others, and tries their best to conceal their shortcomings and shortcomings. No one is perfect, and in learning, work, and life, we always encounter things that we cannot handle, solve, or even know nothing about. At this point, what we need to do is to face and solve, even if we make mistakes, at least we can correct and make progress next time. If you blindly evade, you will only go wrong forever.

I remember one time, Lawyer Cai sent us several intern lawyers a copy of the "Taizhou Daily Paint Construction Contract", asking us to identify loopholes and make modifications. But when I first contacted the contract modification, I really didn't know how to start. After reading for a long time, except for a few typos and Punctuation errors, I couldn't see any other legal and logical errors. Because I felt that I couldn't deliver my achievements, I had been hesitant to show it to Lawyer Cai, and the same was true for several others. It wasn't until Lawyer Cai asked us that I was embarrassed to tell him that there were changes, but there were very few modifications, so I never dared to submit them. He told me that it's okay, but keeping it hidden will never happen. Even if the modification is not good, send it to him and compare it with the contract he has modified, so that we can discover our own loopholes and make progress next time. If you are afraid of making mistakes and showing your shortcomings, you will always be stuck. Mistakes, criticism, and lessons are the best ways to progress.

Finally, I would like to thank my two mentors, Teacher He Meiling and Teacher Li Hongfei, for their education and guidance, as well as Lawyer Cai who has provided me with a lot of help, as well as every senior who has provided me with learning and exercise opportunities. With your help, there is a continuous improvement in me.

My legal career has only just begun, and the future path of practice will not be smooth, but I will continue to walk steadfastly. I believe that the day will come when the willows are hidden and the flowers are shining.

Jin Qingxia

June 25th, 2014

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