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Internship insights

In the blink of an eye, I have been in Liqun for half a year. Looking back on my internship life over the past six months, from initial anxiety to gradually adapting to my current job, I have made progress while making mistakes. I have a deep understanding, and this article mainly discusses my insights from the perspective of self-improvement as an intern lawyer. The main purpose of the internship is to learn legal skills and prepare for independent practice in the future. In order to become independent faster, I think efforts should be made from the following aspects.

1. Firstly, the improvement of legal professional abilities. I believe that the training of professional abilities can be achieved through the following channels:

(1)Strengthen the understanding and application of legal provisions. For key provisions, it is necessary to carefully study and master the methods of legal application, in order to have a deeper understanding of legal provisions. The application of legal provisions cannot be separated from the study of relevant judicial interpretations. I personally believe that the Supreme Court's understanding and application series on relevant judicial interpretations can provide us with a deeper understanding of legal provisions. Intern lawyers who do not have sufficient mastery of practical judicial interpretations and related guidance opinions can enter the Supreme Court and Provincial High Court to download the latest relevant judicial interpretations and guidance opinions for study.

(2)Case study. As lawyers who apply the law, the importance of case study is self-evident. I personally believe that interns can make faster progress through case study. There are also many ways to learn case studies. Firstly, download guidance cases, classic cases, communique cases, etc. online (China Lawyers Network), and download relevant typical cases through the websites of the Supreme Court and Provincial High Court for careful study; There are also some typical cases in the People's Court newspaper, some of which can be understood and some can be studied with emphasis; When encountering problems in a certain aspect or conducting thematic learning, relevant case sets can be studied. For the study of cases, certain methods should be grasped. Personally, I believe that when studying cases, one should contact the legal provisions, textbooks, and relevant papers. For some questionable cases, one can try writing case analysis reports.

(3)If you have time to read textbooks and papers, improve your legal literacy and cultivate legal thinking. Since leaving law school, there has been less training in this area, and it should be strengthened in future studies.

2. Learning about business abilities. For every case you come into contact with or handle, you must have a certain level of confidence, master the handling process of such cases, and accumulate experience step by step.

(1) Analyze the legal relationship of the case and have a general understanding of the direction of the case based on the provided materials. The analysis of the legal relationship of a case is the most basic and important step in case acceptance. For intern lawyers, although the case is not particularly organized, independent thinking and analysis are greatly helpful for the improvement of their professional abilities.

(2) Based on the previous step, we have our own handling ideas for this case. In fact, this step is a matter of stance. When accepting a client's commission, a lawyer should start from the perspective that is most advantageous to the client. At the same time, through the first and second steps, lawyers have a more accurate grasp of litigation risks, and thus provide risk warnings to the parties.

(3) Further analyze the case based on one's own handling approach, and write legal documents from the perspectives of both the plaintiff and defendant. Since my internship for six months, I have gradually come into contact with the writing of various documents and found that the writing of legal documents is also quite complicated. You can refer to online sample articles and, based on the circumstances of the case, consult senior colleagues to correct the documents you have written.

(4) Follow up on the case. Intern lawyers should participate in the entire process of handling cases and should not have the mentality of having nothing to do with themselves after helping the guidance teacher file the case. As an acting lawyer, I am responsible for the case and ensure the smooth closure of the case.

(5) Summarize and write case analysis reports as necessary. After the case is closed, do a good job of organizing and archiving, and must summarize and analyze the case. Think about the problems of the case itself and one's own gains and losses in this case, learn from them, and gradually accumulate.

3. Improvement of comprehensive ability. There are many opinions on the positioning of lawyers, and I personally position lawyers as businessmen. Becoming an excellent lawyer solely based on professional skills is not enough, it depends on the lawyer's comprehensive abilities. For myself, communication skills are not my strong point and I am not very confident. I need to strengthen these abilities in the future. Lawyers are exposed to various aspects of the case, so mastering comprehensive knowledge is also very important. For non legal articles, it is important to read more.

4. Regarding work attitude. Intern lawyers need to progress faster and their work attitude is very important. Be careful and avoid making mistakes in every case you come into contact with or take over. I just entered a law firm and don't understand many things. If I don't understand, I will consult my teachers and colleagues more. We should learn more about the working methods and uniqueness of veteran lawyers and barristers.

The above are my thoughts on the self-improvement of intern lawyers. I hope to double my efforts and improve faster in the future. After six months of internship, I have gained a certain understanding of the work of lawyers and mastered the most basic case handling procedures. However, I also understand that I still have a long way to go before independent practice. The road is long and arduous, and I will search up and down. Since you have chosen this path, you should firmly go on.

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