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A Little Reflection on Practicing for a Year

Lawyer Feng Yi from Zhejiang Liqun Law Firm

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, I have been practicing for a full year. Looking back on this year's professional experience, there are joys of independently handling cases and winning lawsuits, as well as confusion in the face of complex and difficult cases, every bit of it is vivid and touching. Based on my work experience over the past year, I believe that as a young lawyer, I need to make efforts in the following aspects.

As a young lawyer, I believe that the correct mindset is an inexhaustible driving force for progress. Since choosing to become a lawyer is equivalent to choosing a life path full of hardships and challenges, but also giving people infinite hope. Only with a solid and down-to-earth attitude, guard against arrogance and impatience, actively work hard, and an optimistic and upward mindset, can one cope with the upcoming tests and challenges, and adjust as soon as possible in the face of setbacks and setbacks, to regain one's composure and continue moving forward. To become a successful lawyer, we need to have rich practical experience and profound network accumulation, which are not possessed by young lawyers who have not yet practiced for a short time. Although we already have the qualification to practice independently, there is still a huge gap in our professional abilities compared to senior lawyers. Therefore, we must recognize the reality and make sufficient ideological preparations in order to do better in our future work.

As a young lawyer, I believe that rich knowledge is the best guarantee for development. We have all passed the judicial examination and mastered a large number of legal provisions. However, when faced with complex and difficult cases, we may find it impractical to mechanically apply legal provisions. What is the reason for this? Because the legal provisions are highly concentrated Legal writing, we only know the information conveyed by the surface words, but have a shallow grasp of its connotation and legislative intent. This is like martial arts in the world of martial arts, where only magnificent moves can be ridiculed as flowery fists and embroidered legs. Only those with profound internal skills can fully unleash the moves and defeat the enemy! Taking the Company Law as an example, China's Company Law has only 219 articles, including three judicial interpretations and less than 300 articles. However, in legal practice, the types of company cases are so diverse, and the operations are so complex. Company establishment, capital, shareholder rights, equity confirmation, equity transfer, executive obligations, dissolution and liquidation, bankruptcy, and so on are all profound knowledge, Mastering only two or three hundred laws and regulations is not enough to solve practical problems. Therefore, we should seize the time, read more professional books, and further explore the legislative intent and theoretical thinking of the laws and regulations. Only by deeply understanding them can we accurately unravel and identify the core problems when facing complex and difficult cases, and solve problems faster and better.

As a young lawyer, I believe that positive practice is the only way to grow. As the saying goes, after hearing a thousand songs, one can hear the sound, and after observing a thousand swords, one can recognize the tools. The lawyer industry is a very practical industry, and the knowledge learned in books is very different from the problems encountered in actual case handling. Many cases can only be accurately grasped through continuous operation, including courts in various regions that often have their own characteristics, which require us to become familiar with and master in practice. Therefore, young lawyers must cherish opportunities, read and do more, Enrich oneself with practical experience. Usually, when helping veteran lawyers organize materials, we need to carry our thoughts and use our brains while reading the materials to form our own ideas. If conditions permit, we should also try to form written materials. Through this daily exercise, we can effectively improve our case handling and legal thinking abilities in the litigation preparation stage. In addition, we can also follow other lawyers to handle cases, do more auxiliary work, participate in or attend the trial process, draw on the strengths of each institution from the trial, in order to enhance our practical experience and make ourselves more confident in the future case handling process.

The sword edge is sharpened, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. The path of young lawyers is winding, and their future is also bright. Only by adjusting our mindset, studying diligently, and constantly practicing can we gradually improve our abilities and create our own space in the increasingly competitive legal industry. I love this profession and am willing to strive for it. I also hope to receive more guidance and help from everyone, and strive to become a qualified and excellent lawyer as soon as possible!

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