Yang Fan

| 台州




Educational background

  • Graduated from the Law Department of China Central Radio and Television University in July 2006

  • Passed the judicial examination in 2008

Social position

  • Member of the Criminal Committee of Taizhou Lawyers Association

  • Member of the Taizhou City Major Criminal Legal Aid Defense Team

  • Procurator and hearer of Jiaojiang District Procuratorate

Awards and honors

Important cases

  • The defendant Zhang is suspected of selling counterfeit registered trademark goods, and the sentence has been changed in the case

  • Defendant Li Moumou was sentenced lightly in the case of Phone fraud

  • The defendant Xu is suspected of illegal business operations and will not be prosecuted

  • Defendant Yang was given a lenient sentence for being suspected of intentional homicide

  • Zhang is suspected of intentionally damaging property and revoking the case

  • Xu's theft case is exempt from criminal punishment

Main works


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