Wang Jian

| 台州

senior partner/lawyer


Educational background

  • Bachelor of Laws of Zhejiang Wanli University

Social position

  • Member of the Intellectual Property Professional Committee of Taizhou Lawyers Association

  • Member of the Company Law Professional Committee of Taizhou Lawyers Association

  • Arbitrator of Taizhou Arbitration Commission

Awards and honors

  • Won the title of exemplary individual in Legal Service Work of Jiaojiang District in 2022

Important cases

  • A dispute over copyright infringement by a cultural development limited company in Guangdong against a communication group limited company's Taizhou branch (the plaintiff withdraws the lawsuit and handles the winning case);

  • In the case of equity confirmation dispute between Lin and Xu, Dong, Jiang, etc., the provincial procuratorate filed a protest to the provincial High people's court (the procuratorate did not win the protest);

  • The case of insurance contract dispute between Mr. Li and a Property insurance company limited Taizhou Central Branch (the case of drunken driving claims won);

  • The dispute over the unique packaging and decoration of counterfeit Yangyuan's "six walnuts" well-known products was selected as one of the 50 typical cases in Chinese courts in 2017;

  • A dispute over the transfer contract of computer software copyright between a company in Nanjing and a limited company in Zhejiang (rejecting all plaintiff's successful applications).

Main works


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