Feng Yi

| 台州

senior partner/lawyer



Educational background

  • Graduated from Taizhou Middle School in July 2001

  • In July 2005, graduated from Tongji University with a Bachelor of Laws degree

Social position

  • Member of the Bankruptcy Management Professional Committee of Zhejiang Lawyers Association

  • Representative of the Board of Directors of Zhejiang Bankruptcy Administrators Association

  • Deputy Director of Personal bankruptcy Professional Committee of Zhejiang Bankruptcy Administrator Association

  • Director of the Bankruptcy Law Research Association of Zhejiang Law Society

  • Deputy Director of the Merger, Reorganization and Bankruptcy Management Committee of Taizhou Lawyers Association

  • Vice President of Taizhou Bankruptcy Administrator Association

  • Arbitrator of Taizhou Arbitration Commission

  • Elite Talents of the "251" Lawyer Industry in Taizhou City

  • Member of the Taizhou Lawyer Industry Government Legal Advisor Talent Pool

  • Member of the Lecturer Group of Taizhou Civil Code Law Popularization

  • Member of the chief legal advisory expert database of Jiaojiang District Law Society

Awards and honors

  • "exemplary individual in 2019" of Taizhou Bankruptcy Administrator Association

  • Taizhou Bankruptcy Administrator Association "Outstanding Researcher of 2020"

Important cases

  • Served as the administrator of a home textile company in the first case of a local tax authority applying for bankruptcy liquidation in Zhejiang Province

  • Served as the manager of Huang's personal debt liquidation case

  • Served as the administrator of a bankruptcy liquidation and restructuring case of a real estate development limited company in Sanmen

  • Served as the liquidation team in the case of forced liquidation of a state-owned enterprise in Wenling

  • Case of Revocation of Creditors' Rights between a Commercial Bank and Defendants Jiang and Chen, as well as Third Parties Chen and Lin

  • Dispute case on equity transfer contract between a certain automobile sales company, Shang, Zheng, and Yan

Main works

  • Discussion on the Changes in Penalties in China from the Abolition of Partial Death Penalties in the Eighth Amendment to the Criminal Law

  • Discussion on the Fee Collection in the Process of Supplementary Declaration of Claims

  • On the Improvement of Personal Debt Clearing Procedures: Reflections on the Practice of Personal Debt Clearing in Taizhou


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