Zhou Xiangen

| 台州

senior partner/lawyer



Educational background

  • Graduated from Zhejiang Law School in July 1984

  • In April 1989, self-taught and obtained a diploma in law from Zhejiang University

  • In October 2001, I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Law from Zhejiang University through self-study

Social position

  • Served as a member of the 6th Council of the All China Lawyers Association

  • Formerly served as the executive director of the 6th, 7th, and 8th sessions of the Zhejiang Lawyers Association

  • Former Vice President of Taizhou Arbitration Association

  • Chief arbitrator of Taizhou Arbitration Commission

  • Member of legislative experts from the municipal government

  • President of the Third and Fourth Lawyers' Association in Taizhou City

  • Member of the Chief Legal Advisory Expert Database of Jiaojiang District Law Society

Awards and honors

  • National Excellent Lawyers

  • National exemplary individual

  • Top Ten Excellent Lawyers in Zhejiang Province

  • Zhejiang Province Ten Gang Hundred Excellent Lawyers

  • exemplary individual of Taizhou judicial administration system

  • The Second Outstanding Constructor of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in Taizhou City

Important cases

Main works

  • Brief Discussion on Victims in Administrative Cases "Law", Issue 5, 1990

  • The Confusion and Countermeasures of Lawyers in Providing Evidence "Law", Issue 8, 1990

  • Reflection on the Equity Dispute Case of Huangyan Lianhua Group Co., Ltd. Third Prize at the Zhejiang Lawyer Practice Theory Seminar

  • Lawyer Practice in Floating Charges "Research on the Rule of Law", Issue 11, 2007

  • Exploration of Technical Information in the Protection of Trade Secrets: Third Prize at the Zhejiang Lawyer Practice Theory Seminar

  • Second Prize at the Zhejiang Lawyer Practice Theory Seminar on the Forms of Shareholders' Litigation Rights in Limited Liability Companies

  • Research on the Distribution Mechanism of Partnership Law Firms "Lawyers and the Legal System", Issue 12, 2003

  • Third Prize at the Zhejiang Lawyer Practice Theory Seminar on Shareholders' Contributions to Limited Liability Companies

  • Lawyer Practice in Floating Charges "Research on the Rule of Law", Issue 11, 2007

  • On the Recognition of the Elements of "Rich Aesthetics" in Appearance Design "Research on the Rule of Law", Issue 1, 2017

  • Brief Discussion on the Cooperation between the Debtor's Self Management Right and the Supervisor's Supervision Right. Legal and Social Affairs, 2017, Issue 8


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