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Vigorously and Bravely Undertaking a New Journey of Vigorous Progress - The 2022 Work Summary and 2023 Work Promotion Meeting of Liqun Law Firm Successfully Ends


Chasing through the wind and rain, the spring flowers and autumn fruits are fragrant in the garden. With the vision of "the happiest law firm" and the goal of building a "strong and professional" regional comprehensive law firm, Liqun adheres to the concept of "virtue, perfection, inclusiveness, and harmony" and sets sail on an expedition.

On the afternoon of February 11, 2023, the 2022 Work Summary and 2023 Work Promotion Meeting of Zhejiang Liqun Law Firm was successfully held at Jiaojiang Fangyuan Hotel. All staff members reviewed 2022 and looked forward to 2023 together.


This meeting was chaired by Feng Yi, Deputy Director of Liqun Institute, and more than 80 lawyers, interns, legal assistants, and administrative personnel from Liqun Institute attended the meeting.

At the meeting, lawyer representatives were fully prepared to share their successful cases, and every speech was based on experience; The learning atmosphere of the entire staff on site is strong, and every interaction can reflect the fighting spirit and determination of the group. In 2023, we will definitely be able to carve out gold and stone.



At the beginning of the meeting, five new colleagues, Xu Tingyu, Liu Caixin, Zheng Mihe, Pan Tingna, and Ye Huiting, each presented themselves on stage and shared their expectations for launching a new career.


Intern lawyer Lin Qiuying, young lawyer He Liangxiong, and newly appointed senior partner Zhang Liang took the stage one by one, sharing their insights and gains based on their work experience since entering the law firm.

Years go by, and heaven rewards diligence. Looking back at 2022, Liqun has achieved remarkable results. In addition to the correct guidance of the law firm's management team, there is also a group of outstanding colleagues who silently contribute.


Provincial Honors


The 12th Zhejiang Lawyers Forum:

First Prize He Liangxiong, Jiang Ning

Second Prize Wang Wenqi and Xu Wenting

Presenter: Wang Xinping, Chairman of the Partner Meeting



City level honors


2022 Taizhou Lawyer Industry Excellent Thesis Seminar:

Second Prize: Jin Dongling, Lin Qiuying

Excellent Award: Fu Xinyi

Presenter: Founder Partner Zhou Xiangen



The Fourth Taizhou Prosecutors and Lawyers Debate Competition:

Top 10 debaters: Zhang Xuyi

Presenter: Consultant Liu Mao



The First Youth Lawyer Practicing Skills Competition in Taizhou City:

Excellent Prize in Legal Document Writing Competition, Dong Ling

Excellent demeanor award in negotiation competition, Zhan Hankang

Third Prize and Excellence Award in Speech Competition, Fu Xinyi and Gu Qizhi

Top Ten Debaters in Debate Competition Zhang Xuyi

Presenter: Consultant Liu Mao



Top Ten Excellent Cases


Top Ten Excellent Cases: He Liangxiong, Zhang Liang, Cai Wanying, Pan Chan, Zhang Luohan, Xu Tingyu, Gu Qizhi, He Xianchao, and Zhang Xuyi (from left to right)

Presenter: Consultant Li Zhongzhong


Business Progress Award


Business Progress Award: Ye Ping, He Liangxiong

Presenter: Deputy Director Cai Huiqiang



Excellent Public Welfare Lawyer


Outstanding Public Welfare Lawyers: Cai Wanying, Zhang Xuyi

Presenter: Deputy Director Zheng Xiaodan



Outstanding Party Member Lawyer


Outstanding Party Member Lawyers: Gu Qizhi, Ye Ping

Presenter: Yin Chaohui, Deputy Director and Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch



Excellent Young Lawyer


Outstanding Young Lawyers: Jiang Wan, He Xianchao

Presenter: Huang Daojin, Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Branch



Excellent Lawyer


Outstanding Lawyers: Yan Longhua, He Liangxiong

Presenter: Director Mao Lingjian



Huang Daojin, Secretary of the Party Branch of Liqun Institute, delivered a summary speech for the 2022 Party Branch.


1、 Strengthen ideological construction and solidify the foundation of faith

2、 Expand Party building culture and actively carry out activities

3、 Utilize professional advantages and expand the influence of party building

4、 Provide legal aid and fulfill social responsibilities

When the wind is strong, let it break through the waves and sail; The task is heavy and the road is long, and we still need to ride our horses and raise our whip. Secretary Huang Daojin proposed the following goals for better carrying out the party building work of law firms in 2023:


2、 Maintain a proactive attitude of "being good at innovation and focusing on practical work", strengthen the determination and confidence of "overcoming difficulties and catching up quickly", and spare no effort to implement the various work arrangements of the branch;

3、 Continuously innovate the mode of party building work, and tirelessly promote the deep integration of party building and business development.


Law firm director Mao Lingjian summarized the work of the entire firm for 2022 and proposed the focus of work for the next stage in 2023.

In 2022, with the joint efforts of all stakeholders, the Party building work has achieved significant results, with continuous expansion of business development, orderly promotion of professional construction, continuous improvement of talent training mechanisms, and continuous improvement of institutional and cultural construction. All work has achieved expected results.

1、 Led by party building, assisted by community integration and cooperation

2、 Independent innovation and talent cultivation, creating a "strong and specialized" comprehensive law firm

3、 Bravely shoulder social responsibility and actively practice legal responsibilities

4、 Deepen law firm management and unleash the vitality of law firm development

Director Mao proposed clear goals for the development of law firms in 2023. Faced with both opportunities and challenges in 2023, under the guidance of Party building, we will wholeheartedly focus on the central work of business development, continue to strengthen standardized management, improve logistics support, and strengthen talent cultivation. With the joint efforts of our colleagues, we will continue to move towards a "strong specialization" regional comprehensive strength.

1. Leading Party Building

Adhere to the leading position of party building work, do a good job in group work and law firm cultural construction.

2. Business centric

Adhere to the central position of business development and strive to build a comprehensive and strong "strong specialization".

3. Standardize law firm management

Ensure standardization and administrative logistics to provide basic support for the development of law firms.

4. Promote talent introduction and education simultaneously.

Do a good job in talent introduction and training to provide follow-up guarantees for the long-term development of law firms.


The new era proposes new requirements, and new opportunities endow new missions. In the next stage, let's pack up and start again, continuing to create more impressive results with a spirit of hard work, passion for struggle, and enterprising will, and create a better future!

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