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Striving forward and never slacking off in group actions - The 2021 year-end summary and commendation conference of Liqun Institute has come to a successful conclusion

2021 is the third year for Liqun to start anew, a year of innovation and fruitful achievements! This year, I was deeply engrossed in overcoming difficulties and stirring up my heart with unremitting struggle. In such an extraordinary year, the Li Qun people delivered a heavy answer sheet with kindness, perfection, tolerance, and harmony, writing down their resilience in the battle against wind and rain, and depicting the grandeur of their victories. On the afternoon of January 22nd, the 2021 year-end summary and commendation conference of Zhejiang Liqun Law Firm, titled "Striving for excellence and never slacking off", opened in a festive atmosphere. The meeting was chaired by Lawyer Zhong Yaoyao, Senior Partner of Liqun Institute. A total of 80 partners, lawyers, intern lawyers, legal assistants, and administrative personnel from Liqun Institute attended the meeting.

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Learning and implementing the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is a major political task for the current and future periods. At the beginning of the meeting, participants focused on the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee, combined with practical work, and further deepened their understanding and grasp of the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session through learning and communication.

Consolidating the "new" cohesion, five new colleagues, Zhang Qian, Xu Wenting, Qiu Yumo, Lin Qiuying, and Zheng Lingqin, each gave speeches. They embraced their original aspirations and ideals, shared the sense of gain and happiness after integrating into the new environment, and also strengthened their sense of responsibility and destiny as a new profit group.

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Intern lawyer representative Mao Yuyang, young lawyer representative Qiu Shijie, female lawyer representative Jin Dongling, preaching group representative Guan Wenzhong, and newly appointed partner representative Yang Fan all took the stage one by one. They experienced the hesitation, warmth of harvest, and unremitting pursuit of overcoming difficulties during the practice process, shining with the brilliance of thinking and inspiring progress.

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Each of us is a drop of seawater, converging into the sea, and breaking through is the wind. The wind intersects with the sea, stirring up layers of waves, one after another, and writing is like a blooming flower. It is precisely the efforts and contributions of every niche individual that have made the law firm's progress from small to large strides. This meeting recognized individuals with outstanding work performance and outstanding performance in 2021, which not only recognizes and rewards their contributions to the law firm, but also motivates all lawyers.


1 City level honors

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First Prize in 2021 Taizhou Lawyer Industry Paper Seminar: Wang Xinping, Wang Ying

Presenter: Founder Partner Zhou Xiangen

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Third Prize in 2021 Taizhou Lawyer Industry Paper Seminar: Fu Xinyi

Presenter: Consultant Liu Mao

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Top 10 Excellent Criminal Legal Aid Cases of the Fourth Taizhou City: Cai Wanying, Huang Daojin, Zhang Luohan

Presenter: Consultant Li Zhongzhong

Top 10 Excellent Cases

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Top Ten Outstanding Case Representatives: Xu Ping, He Liangxiong, Gu Qizhi, Zheng Yawen, Pan Chan

Presenter: Deputy Director Cai Huiqiang

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Top Ten Outstanding Case Representatives: Zhang Liang, Cai Wanying, Fu Xinyi, Zhan Hankang, Jin Haibo

Presenter: Deputy Director Cai Huiqiang

3 Outstanding Public Welfare Lawyers

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Outstanding Public Welfare Lawyers: Yan Longhua, Zhang Luohan

Presenter: Deputy Director Zheng Xiaodan

4 Outstanding Party Member Lawyers

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Outstanding Party Member Lawyers: Jin Dongling, Jiang Wan

Presenter: Vice Director Huang Daojin


5 Outstanding Young Lawyers

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Outstanding young lawyers: Cai Wanying, He Liangxiong

Presenter: Deputy Director Qiu Sujuan


6 Excellent Lawyers

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Outstanding Lawyers: Zhang Wenzhong, Zhang Liang

Presenter: Director Wang Xinping


7 Business Learning Awards

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Business Learning Award: Zhang Luohan, Li Yue, Guan Wenzhong, Xiang Denglin, Qiu Shijie, Feng Yi, Fu Xinyi

Presenter: Deputy Director Mao Lingjian


8 Yoga Stars

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Yoga Stars: Yan Longhua, Cai Wanying, Yang Junbo

Presenter: Trade Union Chairman Wang Jian

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Director Wang Xinping


In 2021, with the spirit of "Seize the day and never lose the youth", we will work hand in hand and steadfastly move forward. We have achieved:

1、 Four in One, Leading Party Building with Sound and Color

2、 Drawing on the strengths of others and taking multiple measures to cultivate talents

3、 Internal and external coordination, continuous efforts in brand building

4、 Diversified measures, public welfare services warm people's hearts

5、 Study and renovate, and steadily carry out special governance

The sun and moon move forward, and the laws of the year are renewed. In 2022, we will work hard to achieve excellence and strive for new breakthroughs with great enthusiasm. Director Wang raised three hopes:

⼀ It is to focus on party building and strengthen the building. We need to improve our political standing, further strengthen the integration of party building and business building, especially the combination of party building and business building, promote the high-quality development of law firms, and truly achieve "double strength and three advancements".

⼆ It is to focus on standardization and strengthen business. Strengthen the education and management of the lawyer team, and strictly adhere to professional ethics; Further improve internal mechanisms and plug loopholes; Actively promote the construction of professional departments and improve professional standards.

The third is to focus on localization and strengthen the brand. We should pay attention to the construction of soft power such as law firm culture, talent introduction and training, and quality service, to enhance the brand of law firms and enhance industry competitiveness.

The most touching part of the entire meeting was the one shot final sound session, and the atmosphere of the entire meeting was pushed to a climax. Amidst the cheers of the crowd, lucky children were born one after another, and all the prizes were taken into their pockets.

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The song of generosity is yet to be sung, and the sail has been urged. The future benefits, opportunities and challenges coexist, hope and difficulties coexist; As long as we share the same moral principles in our thoughts, goals, and actions, we can hope for a brand new future


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