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Leaders of Anji County Justice Bureau and directors of five law firms visited our institute to investigate and exchange party building work


In the afternoon of May 11, Wang Feng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Anji County Bureau of Justice of Huzhou, Weng Jing, Member of the Party Committee and Director of the Political Department, Ruan Luyun, Director of the Office, Shen Yun, Chief of the Legal Affairs Section of the Government, Zhu Jun, Deputy Chief of the Management Section of Lawyers' Notarization, and the directors of five law firms visited our firm to investigate the communication party building work. Jiang Xianzhang, Deputy Director of the Jiaojiang District Justice Bureau, Shi Saimei, Chief of the Lawyer Work Section, and Wang Xiangjun, Chief of the Law Enforcement Supervision Section accompanied the investigation. Our director and party branch secretary Wang Xinping, deputy directors Qiu Sujuan, Zheng Xiaodan, Huang Daojin, and senior partner lawyer Feng Yi, as well as organizing committee member Zhong Yaoyao and publicity committee member Zhang Wenzhong, warmly received the visiting guests.


Accompanied by Director Wang Xinping, Secretary Wang Feng and his delegation visited the Liqun Party Building Garden and office premises. Subsequently, a symposium was held in the multi-functional hall of the law firm.


At the beginning of the symposium, Director Wang Xinping, on behalf of Liqun Institute, expressed a sincere welcome to Secretary Wang Feng and his delegation, introducing the basic situation of Liqun Institute and using "3456" to introduce its characteristics and highlights:

Three ": In terms of cultural construction, we will focus on creating the" three golden business cards "of Liqun: Liqun Legal Culture Festival, Liqun Public Welfare Rule of Law Lecture Group, and Liqun Famous Lecture Forum.

Four ": In terms of practicing social responsibility, we are committed to the" four services ": first, serving the construction of a rule of law government, second, serving the local economy, third, serving the public legal service system, and fourth, serving social stability.

"Five": In terms of party building, a work method that focuses on the "Five Groups" is formed: group mentality (ideological concepts), group stars (talent cultivation), group policies (governance models), group strength (cohesion), and group art (cultural life), and a four-in-one operation mode is established that does not divide party affairs and government affairs, and party workers, young women, and young women.

"Six": In terms of the training of young lawyers, "Six Ones" should be fully implemented: young lawyers should write a paper and other articles of unlimited subject matter every year, hold an annual seminar on lawyers' practical theory and papers every year, hold a speech contest or debate contest around the "May 4th" every year, organize a Moot court at least once a year, conduct a trial observation once a year, and publish a journal every year.

Subsequently, both sides exchanged experiences on the role of law firms in party building and government legal advisors.


Secretary Wang Feng highly agrees with the series of distinctive measures taken by Liqun Institute in party building and its work, believing that Liqun Institute focuses on details and reflects Liqun culture; The restructuring of Liqun Four is very difficult, and the law firm has focused on building cohesion and found the right direction; The good integration of party affairs and affairs has achieved a good situation of mutual promotion. He stated that through this inspection and study, the horizons and perspectives have been broadened, and the concepts have been improved. Lawyers and law firms in the two regions can strengthen communication and cooperation in the future.


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