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Striving for Progress while Stabilizing - The 2020 Mid year Meeting of Liqun Institute Successfully Convened

On August 15, Liqun Institute's Mid 2020 Conference was held in the academic Lecture hall of law firms. All members gathered together to provide a phased summary of the work of the law firm in the first half of 2020 and to provide direction for the work in the second half.

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△The mid year meeting is chaired by Lawyer Cai Huiqiang, Deputy Director of our institute

In order to strengthen the standardized management and professional ethics construction of our lawyer team, and further improve the professional ethics level and professional discipline awareness of young lawyers, this mid year meeting kicked off with a professional ethics knowledge competition.

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The competition has set up Multiple choice questions and judgment questions, which are divided into two parts: mandatory answers and preemptive answers. It has comprehensively examined the players' mastery of lawyers' professional ethics and professional discipline knowledge. After fierce competition, please applaud the team and let your team look good.

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Under the leadership of our deputy director, Lawyer Huang Daojin, all lawyers reviewed the disciplinary actions taken by the provincial lawyer industry in 2019 and focused on learning typical cases. Lawyer Huang Daojin explains the importance of risk prevention by combining his practice experience with risk points, teaching risk prevention techniques, and allowing every lawyer to have a direct and in-depth understanding of lawyer's practice risks to avoid such risks. Finally, Lawyer Huang Daojin reminds everyone that while improving their professional skills, they should also enhance their risk awareness and strictly abide by professional discipline and ethical standards.

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Lawyer Gu Qizhi said, "Be humble and polite to others; seize opportunities and show courage; manage time with a plan; be down-to-earth and ultimately grow

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Zhang Xuyi: Great things in the world must be done in detail, and paying attention to details is determined by the nature of the lawyer's profession, and it is also a manifestation of a sense of responsibility. Many of the things we intern as lawyers are very trivial, but the simpler things we do, the easier they are to make mistakes. As for the details of handling cases, there is no utilitarianism, and some experiences are only meaningful and difficult to convey. Only by diligent observation can we focus on receiving clients, preparing evidence materials, analyzing problems, and writing legal documents Only by pondering and comprehending every detail of court questioning, how to conduct debates, and so on, can one gain and improve oneself

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Li Yue: "The road to learning is still long, and now I am moving towards the passing line. I hope to persevere step by step and walk steadily. What I will be like in the future is also an unsolved mystery for me, but I hope to gain something in every stage of my growth

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In order to actively promote the informatization management of law firm work and the construction of lawyer work informatization, our firm specially invited Professor Yao Qiang from Shanxi to provide systematic management software training for everyone. The information management system applies Big data technology to the whole process of legal service products, law firm information management, risk control and other law firm practice activities, transforming traditional artificial management into information management. At the training meeting, Teacher Yao provided a detailed explanation and demonstration of the various functions of the system APP through PPT and practical operation. Attending lawyers carefully listen and record, actively ask questions and communicate in detail.

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In the face-to-face process of law firm management, lawyers enthusiastically spoke up and shared their opinions and suggestions on talent cultivation, skill enhancement, management upgrading, and other aspects. The law firm leaders carefully listen to each lawyer's speech and provide detailed answers to their questions and suggestions.

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Our director, Lawyer Wang Xinping, reported and summarized the gratifying achievements made by the law firm in the first half of the year through the work ideas of "strategic strengthening, talent assistance, public welfare beauty, and party building and revitalization". Finally, Director Wang Xinping passionately conveyed the message of "two hearts", "three good", and "four haves" to the benefit of the group: I hope everyone can become a "two hearts": caring for the law firm and colleagues, "three good": good writing, good debate, and good class presentation, "four haves": people with ideals and beliefs, solid knowledge, professional sentiment, and a sense of justice.

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Since then, the mid 2020 meeting of Zhejiang Liqun Law Firm has come to a successful conclusion, with fruitful results that belong to the past; The challenge is right now. After this comprehensive summary, the work of Liqun Institute will be more targeted and seek progress while maintaining stability. In the second half of 2020, we will work together with greater enthusiasm to create a new blueprint for our dreams.

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