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Lawyer Zhang Wenzhong from Liqun Institute was awarded the title of 'Zhejiang Excellent Young Lawyer' in the fourth session'

Recently, the Zhejiang Lawyers Association announced the list of the fourth "Outstanding Young Lawyers in Zhejiang Province". Among them, Lawyer Zhang Wenzhong, a partner of Liqun Institute, was awarded the title of "Excellent Young Lawyer of Zhejiang Province".

The purpose of this selection activity is to commend advanced lawyers, set a good example, and further promote the growth and success of young lawyers. After organizing a selection activity by the Zhejiang Lawyers Association, and following procedures such as application, preliminary review, evaluation by the judges, and public announcement, and after deliberation and approval by the 10th Executive Council of the Zhejiang Lawyers Association, it was ultimately decided to award 55 lawyers the honorary title of "Zhejiang Excellent Young Lawyer".

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Lawyer Zhang Wenzhong stated that the award of outstanding young lawyers in the province is a recognition of individual efforts, but the honor belongs to the collective. In the future, read more, exercise regularly, do good deeds, and work healthily and happily for thirty years. If we can contribute our modest efforts to the development of the rule of law, it is also worthy of our original intention.


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