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Liqun Lawyers Achieved Again at the 2022 Municipal Lawyer Industry Excellent Paper Seminar

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In order to strengthen the theoretical and practical research of the lawyer industry in our city, promote the deep integration of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, create a strong theoretical research atmosphere, and cultivate outstanding talents in the lawyer industry, the 2022 Taizhou Lawyer Industry Excellent Thesis Seminar was successfully held on the morning of July 17 at the Xiangyi Hotel in Jiaojiang. This seminar is hosted by Lawyer Wang Ying from Liqun Institute.

At the meeting, the selected lawyers shared the background of the topic selection and research results of the paper. While the judges affirmed and praised it, they also provided opinions and suggestions for further improvement of the paper, which greatly benefited the lawyers.

In this seminar, a total of 3 first prizes, 6 second prizes, 10 third prizes, and several outstanding awards will be awarded. After the final evaluation by the judges, Liqun Institute's 4 papers stood out from 114 excellent papers and achieved excellent results.


the first prize

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◆He Liangxiong and Jiang Ning, "On the Recognition Rules of Public Knowledge in Patent Authorization Administrative Procedures and Patent Confirmation Procedures"

second prize

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◆Wang Wenqi and Xu Wenting, Research on the Typology and Applicable Rules of Dual Protection of Copyright and Anti Unfair competition Law -- An Empirical Study Based on 125 Cases

◆Lin Qiuying and Jin Dongling, "On the Three Hierarchy Construction of Borrowing and Financing Priority in Bankruptcy Reorganization: A pyramid structure"



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◆Fu Xinyi's Comparative Analysis of Gathering Gambling and Opening Casinos


All along, the lawyers in Liqun Institute have always been striving towards the goal of "harmony between the people and the place, standing out from the crowd", not only doing practical work well, but also actively conducting theoretical research, and effectively integrating theory and practice. This excellent paper seminar has given great recognition to lawyers, and this affirmation will undoubtedly inspire Liqun Institute lawyers to continuously improve their professional skills, continue to refine theoretical research, and continue to explore mountains and seas, and move forward courageously.


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