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Rule of Law, Sunshine, Warmth People's Hearts - Two Legal Aid Cases Selected by Liqun Institute as One of the Top Ten Excellent Criminal Legal Aid Cases in Taizhou City

Recently, the Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Justice and the Taizhou Lawyers Association announced the results of the selection of the "Fourth Outstanding Legal Aid Cases in Taizhou City". Lawyer Cai Wanying from our institute organized the "Case in Case Hidden under the Clothes of Private Debt Collection" and Lawyers Huang Daojin and Zhang Luohan jointly organized the "Legal Aid Defense as Human Rights", which stood out among the 55 typical cases submitted, Selected as one of the "Top 10 Outstanding Criminal Legal Aid Cases of the Fourth Taizhou City".

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Selected Case One

Case in Case Hidden under the Clothes of Folk Debt Collection


Lawyer Cai Wanying

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Selected Case 2

Raising a Knife to a Lover, Defending Legal Aid as a Human Rights Issue

Lawyer Huang Daojin

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Lawyer Zhang Luohan

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For many years, Liqun Lawyers have actively practiced social welfare activities, conscientiously fulfilled their legal aid obligations, and have always been committed to becoming a law firm with warmth and compassion.

In the future, Liqun Lawyers will continue to uphold the spirit of "dedication, caring, professional, and persistent" in legal aid, participate in legal aid work with professional legal literacy and a highly responsible attitude towards handling cases, fully play the exemplary and leading role of excellent typical cases, and make new contributions to effectively enhancing the people's sense of access, satisfaction, and happiness in legal aid.

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