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Following the History of the Red Cartography Party - Liqun Institute held a party day activity themed as celebrating the centennial of the founding of the party

To know the great way, one must first study history

History is the best textbook

Containing the endless power of thought

Cultural genes and spiritual momentum


Inheriting Red Memory, Respecting the Footprints of Revolution

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Looking back on the arduous journey of a century, studying the history of the Party and upholding our original aspiration. On the morning of June 27, Liqun Institute held a party day activity themed "Following the History of the Red Cartography Party" to celebrate the centennial of the founding of the Party. All party members, lawyers, and active party members from the place where Li Qun is located went to the memorial hall of the former site of the Taiwan Special Committee in Tongshukeng, Huangyan, the Red Revolution Education Base, to review the glory of the party's history, praise the party's great achievements, and pay tribute to the party's centenary with practical actions.


Continuing the Red Gene and Adhering to the Original Mission

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Entering the memorial hall, with precious photos, detailed historical materials, and old objects displayed one by one, everyone seems to have returned to that stormy era. In the "Spark Lecture Hall" of the memorial hall, party members and lawyers carefully watched the video materials recording the history of the Tongshukeng Revolution, deeply feeling the difficult years and touching deeds of the Communist Party of China's Taiwan Special Committee leading the revolutionary struggle.


Recalling the Centennial Party History and Reviewing the Oath of Joining the Party

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"I volunteered to join the CPC,

Support the Party's program and abide by the Party's constitution......"

The neat and powerful oath of joining the party sounded in the memorial hall, and the lawyer from Liqun Institute firmly clenched his right fist to take the oath under the party flag. This is the most solemn promise, the heaviest responsibility, and the strongest will and the most persistent belief. At this moment, the memorial hall is like a three-dimensional history book of the Communist Party of China, remembering history, inspiring the present, revealing the future, recording the extraordinary years of the century old Party's hard work, and also listening to the resounding footsteps of an ancient nation towards rejuvenation.

Following the history of the Red Cartography Party, this activity is an experience of the Party spirit, a baptism of the mind and soul, and also a spiritual "calcium supplement", so that all party members and lawyers can return to their original intentions, constantly enhance the Party spirit, and draw on the strength of progress.

The original intention is like a rock, with courage and perseverance, and the mission is always young on the shoulder. The new journey calls for new struggles. At this moment, Liqun Institute will always stand at the forefront of the times, continue to move forward with an unwavering and unstoppable struggle attitude, maintain the upward force, demonstrate responsibility with actions, and welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party with outstanding achievements!

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