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The epidemic defense battle, with Li Qun people in action

In the year of Gengzi in the lunar calendar, a pneumonia epidemic caused by novel coronavirus affected the whole country. There have been confirmed cases of pneumonia infected with novel coronavirus in many parts of the country, especially in Wuhan, Hubei Province, the center of the outbreak. The situation of epidemic prevention and control is grim. Without clothes, sharing the same robe as my son, all the people of the group pay their highest respect to the brave "retrograde" and brave "traitors" who are fighting on the front line. May they return home safely as soon as possible! In the epidemic defense war, Li Qun people are taking action


Actively respond and quickly implement

In order to further implement the superior's deployment on the prevention and control of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus infection, Liqun Institute issued the Notice on Going to Work in the New Year and Epidemic Coordination Work on January 28, which stipulated 12 items, including resumption time, duty arrangement, front desk configuration, situation report, discussion and learning methods, and communicated them to everyone in the law firm.

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Love Fundraising and Warm Transmission

Since the outbreak of the lung epidemic caused by novel coronavirus, hundreds of doctors and nurses have rushed to the front line of Wuhan to support Wuhan, regardless of their own safety, when people across the country celebrate the Spring Festival. Due to the rapid development of the epidemic, many hospitals are facing a shortage of medical resources such as masks and goggles. Therefore, on the morning of January 31st, the party branch of Liqun Institute, in conjunction with the trade union, youth league branch, and women's committee, issued a "fundraising proposal" to the entire institute and organized a special fundraising. As of 12:00 on January 31, individuals had donated a total of 26400 yuan, together with 16000 yuan donated by law firms, raising a total of 42400 yuan, which was earmarked for special use and handed over to the Taizhou Red Cross for the prevention and control of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic.

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    In addition, Liqun Lawyer also spontaneously contacted and confirmed various donation channels to contribute to epidemic prevention and control.

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Fully cooperate to overcome difficulties together

People are united and Mount Taishan is moved. As long as the superior's decision and deployment on epidemic prevention and control are implemented, we will win the sniper war on epidemic prevention and control. On January 31st, the Liqun Party Branch printed a "Letter of Commitment", calling on all staff to abide by five commitments: take the lead in personal prevention and control work, take the lead in protecting wild animals, take the lead in learning and promoting epidemic prevention and control knowledge, take the lead in maintaining social stability, and take the lead in taking responsibility. Partners, party members, lawyers, and others have all signed the 'Commitment Letter'.

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    Responding to the call of the organization, Huang Daojin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Zhejiang Liqun Law Firm (right below), participated in the epidemic prevention and screening service in Shuqiaotou Village (a village with strict secondary prevention), Qiansuo Street, Jiaojiang District.   

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Under the epidemic, we share a common destiny and breathe together

Gathering sand into a tower and converging into the sea

Don't be afraid of difficulties, patiently wait for time

As long as you have faith in your heart

We will definitely win

Wuhan, come on! Come on, China!

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